MSG:ERR: Emergency stop! Stopping all motors

Hi Everyone,

I am pretty new to Maslow 4. I set it up yesterday on a homemade, somewhat collapsible frame. I say this in case it is possible that the lack of frame rigidity may have contributed to the problem. I started a long CNC session yesterday with gcode made by Cambam. The cuts began with several pocket operations followed by inner profile operations followed by outer profiles. At one point during the final outer profile operations, it stopped and I was unable to retrieve the serial code. The cuts were going at a feedrate of 30 inches per minute. Today, I tried redoing cuts that it missed. This time at 40 inches per minute feedrate. This involved pockets and outer profile cuts. It did the pockets successfully and started the profile. This is how it looked:

This time, I captured the serial data. It is as follows:

Serial Messages
Index.html Version: 0.82
[MSG:INFO: Channel auto report interval set to 50 ms]
[MSG:INFO: FluidNC v0.81 (Maslow-Main-b6772b63-dirty)]
[MSG:INFO: Compiled with ESP32 SDK:v4.4.7-dirty]
[MSG:INFO: Local filesystem type is littlefs]
[MSG:INFO: Configuration file:maslow.yaml]
[MSG:INFO: Machine Maslow S3 Board]
[MSG:INFO: Board Maslow]
[MSG:INFO: UART1 Tx:gpio.1 Rx:gpio.2 RTS:NO_PIN Baud:115200]
[MSG:INFO: SPI SCK:gpio.12 MOSI:gpio.11 MISO:gpio.13]
[MSG:INFO: SD Card cs_pin:gpio.10 detect:NO_PIN freq:8000000]
[MSG:INFO: Stepping:Timed Pulse:4us Dsbl Delay:0us Dir Delay:0us Idle Delay:240ms]
[MSG:INFO: Axis count 3]
[MSG:INFO: Axis X (-2438.400,0.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Motor0]
[MSG:INFO: Axis Y (-1219.200,0.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Motor0]
[MSG:INFO: Axis Z (-100.000,0.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Motor0]
[MSG:INFO: tmc_2209 UART1 Addr:0 Step:gpio.15 Dir:gpio.16 Disable:NO_PIN R:0.110]
[MSG:INFO: Motor1]
[MSG:INFO: tmc_2209 UART1 Addr:1 Step:gpio.46 Dir:gpio.38 Disable:NO_PIN R:0.110]
[MSG:INFO: Z Axis driver test passed]
[MSG:INFO: Z2 Axis driver test passed]
[MSG:INFO: Kinematic system: Cartesian]
[MSG:INFO: Using spindle NoSpindle]
[MSG:INFO: Connecting to STA SSID:ModianoNet]
[MSG:INFO: Connecting.]
[MSG:INFO: Connecting…]
[MSG:INFO: Connected - IP is]
[MSG:INFO: WiFi on]
[MSG:INFO: Start mDNS with hostname:http://maslow.local/]
[MSG:INFO: SSDP Started]
[MSG:INFO: HTTP started on port 80]
[MSG:INFO: Telnet started on port 23]
Home pos set for: Z
Home pos set for: X
Home pos set for: Y
[MSG:INFO: Tool No: 1]
[MSG:INFO: Using spindle NoSpindle]
[MSG:WARN: Encoder read failure on Top Left]
[MSG:WARN: Bad connection on Top Left encoder, failed to read 3 times in the last second]
[MSG:WARN: Bad connection on Top Left encoder, failed to read 7 times in the last second]
[MSG:WARN: Encoder read failure on Top Left]
[MSG:WARN: Bad connection on Top Left encoder, failed to read 2 times in the last second]
[MSG:WARN: Encoder read failure on Top Left]
[MSG:WARN: Bad connection on Top Left encoder, failed to read 1 times in the last second]
[MSG:WARN: Encoder read failure on Top Left]
[MSG:WARN: Bad connection on Top Left encoder, failed to read 5 times in the last second]
[MSG:WARN: Encoder read failure on Top Left]
[MSG:WARN: Bad connection on Top Left encoder, failed to read 17 times in the last second]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 32.042mm Counter: 1]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 32.042mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 32.030mm Counter: 2]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 32.030mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 32.012mm Counter: 3]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 32.012mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 31.994mm Counter: 4]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 31.994mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 31.976mm Counter: 5]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 31.976mm]
[MSG:WARN: Bad connection on Top Left encoder, failed to read 3 times in the last second]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 16.545mm Counter: 1]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 16.545mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 16.533mm Counter: 2]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 16.533mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 16.515mm Counter: 3]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 16.515mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 16.496mm Counter: 4]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 16.496mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 16.472mm Counter: 5]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 16.472mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 16.454mm Counter: 6]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 16.454mm]
[MSG:ERR: Emergency stop! Stopping all motors]
[MSG:WARN: The machine will not respond until turned off and back on again]
[MSG:INFO: Reset during file job at line: 1360]
[MSG:ERR: Position error > 15mm while running. E-Stop triggered.]

Yesterday’s cut went for much longer before it failed. Might it have been the more aggressive feedrate? If any of you with more experience can tell me what these errors that led to the end of these jobs (and the sad waste of time and plywood), I would appreciate your guidance.



1 Like

Can you try updating to 0.83 and see if that makes a difference? I made some changes that can help with this.

The other thing which can help is to blow off the Ethernet connectors with compressed air or computer duster and then put a little drop of hot glue on them to make sure that they stay in place.

The issues that you are seeing are likely caused by a connection issue to the encoders.

1 Like

Thank you, Bar. I will give that a try and let you know.


So I updated to 0.83, then I used an air duster on the RJ45 jacks and plugs. I did not have a hot glue gun on hand but I made sure all plugs were securely in place. I then tried to calibrate several times with negative results. It would stop and say:


I thought to try it anyway, and so I sent a job to it. It carved a couple of pockets successfully before stalling. The last lines of the serial log were:

[MSG:WARN: Encoder read failure on Bottom Left]
[MSG:WARN: Bad connection on Bottom Left encoder, failed to read 1 times in the last second]
[MSG:WARN: Bad connection on Bottom Left encoder, failed to read 1 times in the last second]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is -15.906mm Counter: 1]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was -15.906mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is -15.880mm Counter: 2]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was -15.880mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is -15.842mm Counter: 3]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was -15.842mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is -15.809mm Counter: 4]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was -15.809mm]

So it seems like my lower left encoder is not working/communicating properly. What would be the best next step to try to solve this problem?

1 Like

I cleaned all the connectors again, rebooted it, retracted, extended and ran the calibration again. This is what I got. Why does it not successfully calibrate anymore? Might it have to do with that low memory warning after measuring waypoint 18?

Serial Messages
Index.html Version: 0.83
[MSG:INFO: Channel auto report interval set to 50 ms]
[MSG:INFO: FluidNC v0.82 (Maslow-Main-63b36223-dirty)]
[MSG:INFO: Compiled with ESP32 SDK:v4.4.7-dirty]
[MSG:INFO: Local filesystem type is littlefs]
[MSG:INFO: Configuration file:maslow.yaml]
[MSG:INFO: Machine Maslow S3 Board]
[MSG:INFO: Board Maslow]
[MSG:INFO: UART1 Tx:gpio.1 Rx:gpio.2 RTS:NO_PIN Baud:115200]
[MSG:INFO: SPI SCK:gpio.12 MOSI:gpio.11 MISO:gpio.13]
[MSG:INFO: SD Card cs_pin:gpio.10 detect:NO_PIN freq:8000000]
[MSG:INFO: Stepping:Timed Pulse:4us Dsbl Delay:0us Dir Delay:0us Idle Delay:240ms]
[MSG:INFO: Axis count 3]
[MSG:INFO: Axis X (-2438.400,0.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Motor0]
[MSG:INFO: Axis Y (-1219.200,0.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Motor0]
[MSG:INFO: Axis Z (-100.000,0.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Motor0]
[MSG:INFO: tmc_2209 UART1 Addr:0 Step:gpio.15 Dir:gpio.16 Disable:NO_PIN R:0.110]
[MSG:INFO: Motor1]
[MSG:INFO: tmc_2209 UART1 Addr:1 Step:gpio.46 Dir:gpio.38 Disable:NO_PIN R:0.110]
[MSG:INFO: Z Axis driver test passed]
[MSG:INFO: Z2 Axis driver test passed]
[MSG:INFO: Kinematic system: Cartesian]
[MSG:INFO: Using spindle NoSpindle]
[MSG:INFO: Connecting to STA SSID:ModianoNet]
[MSG:INFO: Connecting.]
[MSG:INFO: Connecting…]
[MSG:INFO: Connected - IP is]
[MSG:INFO: WiFi on]
[MSG:INFO: Start mDNS with hostname:http://maslow.local/]
[MSG:INFO: SSDP Started]
[MSG:INFO: HTTP started on port 80]
[MSG:INFO: Telnet started on port 23]
[MSG:INFO: Setting z-stop position]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 0]
[MSG:INFO: Center point deviation: TL: 0.260 TR: 0.092 BL: 4.525 BR: -7.929]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 1]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 2]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 3]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 4]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 5]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 6]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 7]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 8]
CLBM:[{bl:2164.75, br:2175.88, tr:2179.04, tl:2197.01},{bl:2081.84, br:2106.15, tr:2257.49, tl:2278.18},{bl:1890.15, br:2307.45, tr:2450.01, tl:2100.85},{bl:1973.56, br:2380.36, tr:2375.27, tl:2011.45},{bl:2063.44, br:2455.67, tr:2303.30, tl:1926.27},{bl:2244.79, br:2266.06, tr:2100.48, tl:2112.52},{bl:2433.96, br:2087.81, tr:1908.96, tl:2314.99},{bl:2356.66, br:1998.39, tr:1992.81, tl:2391.44},{bl:2284.78, br:1913.10, tr:2083.81, tl:2466.92},]
Computing… This may take several minutesFitness: 0.5777772 in 100
Fitness: 0.5812721 in 200
Fitness: 0.5825761 in 300
Fitness: 0.5867287 in 400
Fitness: 0.5904185 in 500
Fitness: 0.5943575 in 600
Fitness: 0.5944288 in 700
Fitness: 0.5944288 in 800
Fitness: 0.5944288 in 900
Fitness: 0.5944288 in 1000
Fitness: 0.5944288 in 1100
Fitness: 0.5944288 in 1200
Fitness: 0.5944288 in 1300
Fitness: 0.5944288 in 1400
Fitness: 0.5944288 in 1500
Fitness: 0.5944288 in 1600

Calibration complete
Calibration values:
Fitness: 0.5944287521858631
Maslow_tlX: -17.7
Maslow_tlY: 2821.7
Maslow_trX: 3308.8
Maslow_trY: 2806.2
Maslow_blX: 0.0
Maslow_blY: 0.0
Maslow_brX: 3328.4
Maslow_brY: 0.0
A command to save these values has been successfully sent for you. Please check for any error messages.
[MSG:INFO: Setting z-stop position]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 9]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 10]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 11]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 12]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 13]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 14]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 15]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 16]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 17]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 18]
[MSG:WARN: Low memory: 12004 bytes]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 19]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 20]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 21]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 22]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 23]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 24]
CLBM:[{bl:2164.75, br:2175.88, tr:2179.04, tl:2197.01},{bl:2081.84, br:2106.15, tr:2257.49, tl:2278.18},{bl:1890.15, br:2307.45, tr:2450.01, tl:2100.85},{bl:1973.56, br:2380.36, tr:2375.27, tl:2011.45},{bl:2063.44, br:2455.67, tr:2303.30, tl:1926.27},{bl:2244.79, br:2266.06, tr:2100.48, tl:2112.52},{bl:2433.96, br:2087.81, tr:1908.96, tl:2314.99},{bl:2356.66, br:1998.39, tr:1992.81, tl:2391.44},{bl:2284.78, br:1913.10, tr:2083.81, tl:2466.92},{bl:2217.47, br:1835.80, tr:2180.34, tl:2543.54},{bl:2007.89, br:2030.48, tr:2349.33, tl:2363.89},{bl:1808.36, br:2243.28, tr:2531.21, tl:2194.90},{bl:1623.06, br:2459.64, tr:2721.56, tl:2042.76},{bl:1713.22, br:2519.51, tr:2651.25, tl:1941.50},{bl:1810.89, br:2581.77, tr:2580.86, tl:1843.31},{bl:1907.30, br:2655.24, tr:2514.83, tl:1748.41},{bl:2009.41, br:2727.61, tr:2453.37, tl:1657.63},{bl:2163.55, br:2539.32, tr:2236.28, tl:1838.68},{bl:2332.34, br:2354.86, tr:2026.70, tl:2037.02},{bl:2512.89, br:2183.49, tr:1827.52, tl:2244.73},{bl:2705.11, br:2028.38, tr:1642.08, tl:2462.95},{bl:2632.32, br:1928.28, tr:1734.54, tl:2522.96},{bl:2562.05, br:1831.15, tr:1830.28, tl:2592.23},{bl:2496.09, br:1737.70, tr:1928.19, tl:2658.87},{bl:2434.87, br:1648.44, tr:2028.02, tl:2733.80},]
Computing… This may take several minutesFitness: 0.6361310 in 100
Fitness: 0.6370173 in 200
Fitness: 0.6370173 in 300
Fitness: 0.6370173 in 400
Fitness: 0.6370173 in 500
Fitness: 0.6370173 in 600
Fitness: 0.6370173 in 700
Fitness: 0.6370173 in 800
Fitness: 0.6370173 in 900
Fitness: 0.6370173 in 1000
Fitness: 0.6370173 in 1100

Calibration complete
Calibration values:
Fitness: 0.6370173319675682
Maslow_tlX: -18.6
Maslow_tlY: 2819.8
Maslow_trX: 3311.2
Maslow_trY: 2806.1
Maslow_blX: 0.0
Maslow_blY: 0.0
Maslow_brX: 3328.5
Maslow_brY: 0.0
A command to save these values has been successfully sent for you. Please check for any error messages.
[MSG:INFO: Setting z-stop position]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 25]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 26]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 27]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 28]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 29]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 30]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 31]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 32]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 33]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 34]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 35]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 36]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 37]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 38]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 39]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 40]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 41]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 42]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 43]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 44]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 45]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 46]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 47]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 48]
CLBM:[{bl:2164.75, br:2175.88, tr:2179.04, tl:2197.01},{bl:2081.84, br:2106.15, tr:2257.49, tl:2278.18},{bl:1890.15, br:2307.45, tr:2450.01, tl:2100.85},{bl:1973.56, br:2380.36, tr:2375.27, tl:2011.45},{bl:2063.44, br:2455.67, tr:2303.30, tl:1926.27},{bl:2244.79, br:2266.06, tr:2100.48, tl:2112.52},{bl:2433.96, br:2087.81, tr:1908.96, tl:2314.99},{bl:2356.66, br:1998.39, tr:1992.81, tl:2391.44},{bl:2284.78, br:1913.10, tr:2083.81, tl:2466.92},{bl:2217.47, br:1835.80, tr:2180.34, tl:2543.54},{bl:2007.89, br:2030.48, tr:2349.33, tl:2363.89},{bl:1808.36, br:2243.28, tr:2531.21, tl:2194.90},{bl:1623.06, br:2459.64, tr:2721.56, tl:2042.76},{bl:1713.22, br:2519.51, tr:2651.25, tl:1941.50},{bl:1810.89, br:2581.77, tr:2580.86, tl:1843.31},{bl:1907.30, br:2655.24, tr:2514.83, tl:1748.41},{bl:2009.41, br:2727.61, tr:2453.37, tl:1657.63},{bl:2163.55, br:2539.32, tr:2236.28, tl:1838.68},{bl:2332.34, br:2354.86, tr:2026.70, tl:2037.02},{bl:2512.89, br:2183.49, tr:1827.52, tl:2244.73},{bl:2705.11, br:2028.38, tr:1642.08, tl:2462.95},{bl:2632.32, br:1928.28, tr:1734.54, tl:2522.96},{bl:2562.05, br:1831.15, tr:1830.28, tl:2592.23},{bl:2496.09, br:1737.70, tr:1928.19, tl:2658.87},{bl:2434.87, br:1648.44, tr:2028.02, tl:2733.80},{bl:2378.52, br:1564.18, tr:2131.48, tl:2813.37},{bl:2155.55, br:1756.38, tr:2277.61, tl:2629.37},{bl:1939.21, br:1965.47, tr:2437.16, tl:2453.21},{bl:1731.83, br:2183.94, tr:2614.23, tl:2290.71},{bl:1537.24, br:2406.51, tr:2799.15, tl:2145.20},{bl:1360.90, br:2632.94, tr:2993.80, tl:2020.33},{bl:1457.36, br:2681.92, tr:2929.57, tl:1909.89},{bl:1557.83, br:2735.60, tr:2860.65, tl:1801.44},{bl:1661.19, br:2796.07, tr:2795.59, tl:1695.22},{bl:1768.00, br:2861.37, tr:2734.72, tl:1591.83},{bl:1876.71, br:2930.13, tr:2678.31, tl:1491.75},{bl:1986.98, br:3002.10, tr:2626.64, tl:1395.53},{bl:2114.36, br:2811.46, tr:2398.96, tl:1565.79},{bl:2254.47, br:2622.12, tr:2176.15, tl:1768.77},{bl:2418.59, br:2443.90, tr:1959.96, tl:1972.35},{bl:2596.13, br:2279.23, tr:1752.63, tl:2184.82},{bl:2780.26, br:2131.10, tr:1558.06, tl:2409.04},{bl:2976.60, br:2003.40, tr:1381.32, tl:2638.96},{bl:2908.78, br:1893.71, tr:1480.60, tl:2684.09},{bl:2839.88, br:1786.17, tr:1581.70, tl:2737.09},{bl:2774.91, br:1680.93, tr:1682.17, tl:2799.22},{bl:2714.17, br:1578.57, tr:1788.47, tl:2864.95},{bl:2657.89, br:1479.73, tr:1898.28, tl:2933.33},{bl:2606.31, br:1385.13, tr:2010.33, tl:3004.18},]
Computing… This may take several minutesFitness: 0.4748576 in 100
Fitness: 0.4748576 in 200
Fitness: 0.4748576 in 300
Fitness: 0.4748576 in 400
Fitness: 0.4748576 in 500
Fitness: 0.4748576 in 600
Fitness: 0.4748576 in 700
Fitness: 0.4748576 in 800
Fitness: 0.4748576 in 900
Fitness: 0.4748576 in 1000


1 Like

That actually looks pretty darn good.

A few months back I actually reduced the threshold for a good enough calibration to 0.45 so if you update your maslow.yaml file that would have been a passing calibration run.

I think that everything is working normal, but your frame could be flexing slightly?

It is possible that the frame may be flexing slightly. I made this frame in a way so that when not in use, most of it folds up over my shed. Those connections of the beams to the shed are hinges.

This evening turned out bad for a test. I tried to start a job and it failed again citing an error again with the lower left encoder but it doesn’t make sense to continue until tomorrow as it seems we are contending with brownouts (my UPS is complaining and the lights are flickering on this hot evening in a hot NYC suburb). I will play with it further tomorrow.

Thanks for the feedback, Bar. Quick questions: So when I get that calibration message, the calibration process stops. What information is lost vs if it completes? Can it work after that calibration error?

1 Like

That message means the last set of values from the final ring of calibration won’t be saved to the machine, but the result of the previous points will have been saved.

It’s probably worth lowering the value of the threshold for a “good” calibration and running it again, but also the things would probably be fine if you skip calibration altogether and assume the calibration that’s saved is probably good enough.

Paul Modiano wrote:

So I updated to 0.83, then I used an air duster on the RJ45 jacks and plugs.
I did not have a hot glue gun on hand but I made sure all plugs were securely
in place. I then tried to calibrate several times with negative results. It
would stop and say:

So it seems like my lower left encoder is not working/communicating properly. What would be the best next step to try to solve this problem?

hot glue or some other sort of clamp on the plugs. small hot glue guns are
really cheap and avilable at just about any hobby or hardware store.

David Lang

Paul Modiano wrote:

It is possible that the frame may be flexing slightly. I made this frame in a way so that when not in use, most of it folds up over my shed. Those connections of the beams to the shed are hinges.

given that your frame may not be exactly the same dimensions each time you set
it up, I think you are doing the right thing to calibrate it each time you set
it up. I think you need to add some additional bracing to the frame to prevent
flex (some diagonal braces that you screw to the long boards after you fold it
out for example)

If you can setup a video camera on a tripod looking at the corners during
calibration and then watch the video at high speed, it will make it easier to
see what’s happening.

When you get that calibration message, it means that the previous calibration
values will remain. That may be close enough to work, but may intruduce some
subtle errors (which may not be big enough to matter, it depends on your

David Lang

1 Like

Thanks, David. I think the idea of taking the video and playing it back at high speed is a good one. And I can certainly add some diagonal braces will help, although I screw the plywood to the two center beams with the thought that the plywood acts as a diagonal brace.

1 Like

Paul Modiano wrote:

Thanks, David. I think the idea of taking the video and playing it back at
high speed is a good one. And I can certainly add some diagonal braces will
help, although I screw the plywood to the two center beams with the thought
that the plywood acts as a diagonal brace.

it does for the center boards, but it’s possible for the outer boards to bend a
little (either bowing a bit to be a smidge shorter than they should be, or to
rack a bit into a trapizoid shape)

David Lang

Ok, so I’m stuck. I have not been able to successfully complete a calibration without eventually getting a FITNESS IS TOO LOW error, but I understand that it falls back to earlier values. I have tried repeatedly to cut my missing components but the same thing happens:

The first of 5 pockets carves out well. As it is working on the second pocket, things go sideways. The one consistent complaint is about my lower left encoder failing:

[MSG:INFO: Using spindle NoSpindle]
[MSG:WARN: Encoder read failure on Bottom Left]
[MSG:WARN: Bad connection on Bottom Left encoder, failed to read 3 times in the last second]
[MSG:WARN: Encoder read failure on Bottom Left]
[MSG:WARN: Bad connection on Bottom Left encoder, failed to read 1 times in the last second]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 18.804mm Counter: 1]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 18.804mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 18.859mm Counter: 2]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 18.859mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 18.906mm Counter: 3]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 18.906mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 18.962mm Counter: 4]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 18.962mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is -27.892mm Counter: 1]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was -27.892mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is -27.846mm Counter: 2]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was -27.846mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is -27.790mm Counter: 3]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was -27.790mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is -27.743mm Counter: 4]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was -27.743mm]
[MSG:WARN: Encoder read failure on Bottom Left]
[MSG:WARN: Bad connection on Bottom Left encoder, failed to read 1 times in the last second]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is -27.696mm Counter: 5]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was -27.696mm]
[MSG:INFO: Reset during file job at line: 371]
[MSG:ERR: Emergency stop. Update function not being called enough.1002ms since last call]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is -25.415mm Counter: 6]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was -25.415mm]
[MSG:ERR: Emergency stop! Stopping all motors]
[MSG:WARN: The machine will not respond until turned off and back on again]
[MSG:ERR: Position error > 15mm while running. E-Stop triggered.]

I blasted the plug and socket with air. They are clean as a whistle. If we assume that there is no problem with the connection to this encoder, what are the other possible causes for receiving this error? Could overly aggressive feedrates cause it? Any ideas are very much welcome.

Paul Modiano wrote:

The first of 5 pockets carves out well. As it is working on the second pocket, things go sideways. The one consistent complaint is about my lower left encoder failing:

encoder errors are always caused by wiring/communication problems (not
gcode/feedrates). either the flex on the wire is causing connectivity errors, or
there is interference getting into the wire. The current recommendation is that
ifter you make sure there is nothing in the sockets, use a bit of hot glue
around the sockets to make sure that nothing gets in there and there is no flex.

you can try switching wires (just in case one wire is flaky) or rearranging the
arms so that there is a different arm going to the lower left. If the problem
follows the wire or the arm as you hook them up differently, that will point to
a problem in that wire or arm. If the problem doesn’t move as you change
wires/arms, then it’s probably interference and you can try to route your power
cords differently.

David Lang

I never considered that an RJ45 might have gone bad. These don’t do a lot of moving around, but I appreciate the opportunity for deduction. So I swapped the bottom left RJ45 cable with the Bottom right, hoping it would tell me about a bottom right encoder failure (cables are cheap to swap out). I was also pleased to learn that Maslow remembers its last home, so I was delighted when I sent it home and it was ready to redo the job from the last time. I was happy when it re-pocketed the first pocket. I was thrilled when it finished the previously unfinished second pocket. I was over the moon when it finished the third. But I was prepared for the dread when it stopped shortly after beginning the fourth:

I was hoping it would tell me that my bottom right encoder had an error but alas, and inexplicably, the logs now blamed the upper left encoder:

[MSG:INFO: Using spindle NoSpindle]
[MSG:WARN: Encoder read failure on Top Left]
[MSG:WARN: Bad connection on Top Left encoder, failed to read 10 times in the last second]
[MSG:WARN: Bad connection on Top Left encoder, failed to read 2 times in the last second]
[MSG:WARN: Bad connection on Top Left encoder, failed to read 1 times in the last second]
[MSG:WARN: Bad connection on Top Left encoder, failed to read 2 times in the last second]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 29.725mm Counter: 1]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 29.725mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 29.725mm Counter: 2]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 29.725mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 29.734mm Counter: 3]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 29.734mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 29.734mm Counter: 4]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 29.734mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 29.734mm Counter: 5]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 29.734mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 29.743mm Counter: 6]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 29.743mm]
[MSG:ERR: Emergency stop! Stopping all motors]

If the problem doesn’t move as you change
wires/arms, then it’s probably interference and you can try to route your power
cords differently.

I took this to heart and so before I began, being keenly aware of the possibility of A/C interference, I slid this magnetic thingamajig meant to arrest interference (but was floating all over the router power cord) to the top, near where the router power cord got close to the bottom left encoder.

Now I am thoroughly confused. It wasn’t the ethernet cable, or the lower right encoder would have been implicated. So the question is, what would cause this? The frame is in fact more rigid than it was last week (I strengthened it) when it was working fine, so frame flex is an unlikely culprit.

Any thoughts?

Something that I’m about to write up properly but I’ll put a summary here.

I had modified my frame resulting in one of the anchor points being further ‘out’ than the others. Re-running calibration on this it always came back lower than what I wanted, better than 0.45 but less than 0.5

So I added extra packing to two of the frames corners to get the anchor points very close to square again. Then began recalibration.

Measuring for recalibration - I remeasured every dimension between every anchor point.

I used the average of ‘top’ and ‘bottom’ for width, and likewise for ‘left’ and ‘right’ to give the ‘height’.

I did not clear out the previous calibration values from the maslow.yaml though.

What I noticed after calibration is that the width and height were significantly less than the values I measured. Even taking into account that my frame is not quite square (still).

So I tried wiping those previous calibration values from maslow.yaml, and I also used the maximum values for width and height instead of the averages, and reran the calibration. Very noticable improvement in the calibration results.

I would check what maslow.yaml shows for the width and height (you may need to do some maths to get the ‘whole’ values involved), and compare that with the original anchor point to anchor point measurements that you took.

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Paul Modiano wrote:

I never considered that an RJ45 might have gone bad. These don’t do a lot of
moving around, but I appreciate the opportunity for deduction. So I swapped
the bottom left RJ45 cable with the Bottom right, hoping it would tell me
about a bottom right encoder failure (cables are cheap to swap out). I was
also pleased to learn that Maslow remembers its last home, so I was delighted
when I sent it home and it was ready to redo the job from the last time. I
was happy when it re-pocketed the first pocket. I was thrilled when it
finished the previously unfinished second pocket. I was over the moon when it
finished the third. But I was prepared for the dread when it stopped shortly
after beginning the fourth:

Ok, this is looking like the errors that more people are seeing. We think that
this is caused by the RJ45 connections not remaining solid as you cut. Some
people have reported improvements after hot gluing the connectors in place (Bar
is testing different connector options for the next version)

Other people seem to have interference problems. Was this with a vaccum and dust
collector? some people have better success without them. Some people have put a
grounded copper wire down their dust collector hose and it’s helped, some people
found using a conductive hose helped (unfortunantly, all of these things have
been ‘some people’ and we don’t have a difinitive answer, some people also have
no problems at all)

David Lang

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I will get a hot glue gun and try that out as my next step.

There was no vacuum or dust collector.

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Okay. First my thanks.

Thank you Bar and David!

I fondly anticipated the Maslow 4 while assembling it. I was frustrated while learning to make it work. I began to love it when it did. I became frustrated again when it didn’t. I hated it when it began to chronically fail.

When you both counseled me to use hot glue, I thought it was a long shot. But then today, in desperation, I did just that and failure turned into success:

I suppose that RJ45s were intended for networking, which involves stationary items. I now believe that the controller’s RJ45s are the problem. Z goes up and down, which probably does nothing bad for the connectors on the encoder. But it probably causes lateral movement up and down on the plugs going into the controller, where I suspect the connection fails.

I agree with Bar that moving forward, going with JST connectors is the way to go. With regard to existing users, I think I may have a fix: The short cables connecting the encoders to the controller are overly thick and unpliable – causing the up/down motion. If you replace these with cables of the same length with flat, light, silicone-wrapped cables that minimize the up/down play on the controller sockets, I’m willing to bet that this will alleviate the issue.

My two cents.

In any case, thank you both again for your help and my prospects for carving out some parts this weekend with less grief than in the last.

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This is a fantastic suggestion! I’ll have to order some of those!