I have made a box to hold all the electronics for my Maslow.
It contains
- 3 PSU’s (5V, 12V & 48V)
- Arduino & Maslow Board
- Raspberry Pi 3 with Touch screen LCD
- Spindle Controller with switches
- Emergency stop for Motors and Spindle
Here are some pictures
Please let me know if you would like a detailed write up with schematics and CAD? (No points spending a few hours if nobody is interested…)
@StephenMcG that is a thing of beauty!!! I would definitely read more details!
Looks like you soon are able to build a spaceship.
I definitely like that e-stop mushroom.
Would love a r pie setup image with ground control.
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Awesome build! Thanks for sharing. Do you have a read for the spindle speed, or will you have a scale around the knob?
Nice panel build!
I like it.
This is rad! Nailed it!
A write up or schematics would be great! (if that isnt too much work)