As my second cut I’m attempting to cut a grid into the waste board for stock alignment, as an accuracy test of the Maslow, and just a general low risk second project for learning purposes.
On the first and second attempts I had confusion about the starting position in the gcode set in MakerCAM, and old video of Bar’s helped me sort that out.
Third attempt I went crazy and tried doing a full 1/8" cut in one pass, broke the bit in about an inch. Lesson learned.
4th attempt I reduced my full dept to 1/16" and used the default step down of .03125.
The grid is made of individual squares (gcode and stl attached), it made one round of the first square just fine, It started the second pass and aproaching the second corner it just stopped.
The lower left belt had become loose, pictures:
And here is the square as far as it got, it looks good too my eye.
Here is the console output:
[MSG:INFO: Retracting all belts]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Left pulled tight with offset 0.000]
[MSG:INFO: Top Right pulled tight with offset 0.000]
[MSG:INFO: Top Left pulled tight with offset 0.000]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Right pulled tight with offset -0.011]
[MSG:INFO: Extending all belts]
[MSG:INFO: All belts extended to center position]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 0]
[MSG:INFO: Center point deviation: TL: 0.293 TR: 0.263 BL: 0.411 BR: -2.803]
[MSG:INFO: Center point deviation: TL: 0.293 TR: 0.263 BL: 0.411 BR: -2.803]
[MSG:INFO: Center point deviation within 15.000mm, your coordinate system is accurate]
[GC:G0 G54 G17 G20 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]
[GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]
[MSG:INFO: Tool No: 0]
[MSG:INFO: Using spindle NoSpindle]
[MSG:ERR: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Halting. Error is 15.017mm]
[MSG:ERR: Emergency stop! Stopping all motors]
[MSG:WARN: The machine will not respond until turned off and back on again]
[MSG:INFO: Reset during file job at line: 36]
[MSG:ERR: Position error > 15mm while running. E-Stop triggered.]
No heartbeat from machine in 10 seconds. Please check connection. (18.0 KB)