Can someone can explain me how to plug my Nema 23 stepper motor as Z-axis ( 4 cables : red, green, yellow, blue ) to MP2 connector of Mega 2560 R3 that has a 6 pins connection ?
Can someone can explain me how to plug my Nema 23 stepper motor as Z-axis ( 4 cables : red, green, yellow, blue ) to MP2 connector of Mega 2560 R3 that has a 6 pins connection ?
Hi there! I fear if you don’t have a motor-shield that is new to me, you are out of luck. None of the 4 shields I came across is able to drive a stepper motor and Soft- and Firmware would need to re-programed to use steps instead of encoders.
Kind regards, Gero
Thanks Gero,
What would be the simplest and fastest solution for me ?
I can buy a new motor and sliding devices.
What would you recommand ? I’m in europe so amazon is a good option…
Ps : where to find the connector to plug on the MP2 of mega 2560 R3 ?
I forgot the Welcome you to the community. I don’t know nothing about you setup. Did you buy a kit or source the parts yourself? Are we talking about the Maslow? (I’ve 3d printers here on the Forum, so need to ask .
Edit: A quick search in the Forum got me this. Perhaps the model-numbers can help. zaxis-motor-cable-connector
Yep, my company bought a kit :
I also have a makita RT0700
@alban I think the original kits have been first sold without Z and then as an option. So you are missing the z-motor and the cable?
On top of the arduino there is a motor-shield plugged in. Does that have 3 connectors?
to use the makita you will need to buy a dedicated z axis
buy the 2nd and 4th item on this web page
you’ll also need the 65mm clamp here
Is that the 1,5kw one? Since I’m running a spindle I will never go back to a router, more silent and more options on speed control and collets. Cutting with 3.175mm (1/4’) bits is less dust and waste. The C-beam is a great option, you would also need a clamp that fits the c-beam-plate and the spindle. Keep th c-beam as short as possible, but long enough to have an easy tool-change. My sled, not as a recommendation, just as a reference.
No it’s a 800 watts spindle and i got the clamp.
Connection is weird, it’s a four pin connection with no indication at all …
Yes my motor shield has the MP2 connector free for the z axis…
I did not receive cabling and connector for that …
That is a nice spindle and would be great. But you would need the matching inverter for it, if you don’t go for a router. So on you shopping list is additional the c-beam, or as alternative something like the https://forums.maslowcnc.com/t/the-meticulous-z-axis , z-motor and cable. The motor can be found here https://makermade.com/marketplace/?wpf_page=1&id=filter_results&wpf=1&wpf_cols=4&wpf_category=parts&price-from=0&price-to=999 , don’t know who sells the cable. Are you from Germany?
I’m from Belgium, working in Luxembourg.
I can order in Germany.
I’m still missing the cable and connector for Z-axis motor to MP2 connector
aliexpress.com is a good source for most things. Not sure what a mp2 connector is though.