New to Maslow. Sled issue

Just wanted to give an update. So I fixed the angle. I ended up using carriage bolts and attached them to where the legs meet. I then unscrewed the screws and SLOWLY pulled on the bottom until I got 15 degrees. I then put the screws back in and added new footers.

All is well with the frame. However!!! Now I’m having an issue with the final sled. I did everything to a t. When the Maslow moves the sled to the first hole, everything goes fine and the z-axis lowers the bit and it begins to cut. Here is where the issue starts. After the first hole is cut about an 1/8-1/4” it goes to start the second hole. The z-axis never lifted the router back up and it made a line directly to the second. I noticed on the MacBook that it was showing Z Axis at 79 or 80 and never moved. I’m using a 1/4” bit that was on the site. Any idea? Thanks again everyone.

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Which file are you using to cut the sled?

Also, from your picture, it appears that the top beam is not parallel to the frame. The top seems to be pulled away a little from the arm and therefore at a smaller angle… maybe 10 degrees? It should be 15 degrees like the frame. Take a look at where the arm and beam attach and make sure its flush.

I had found it in the files section of the assembly page. I just checked and it wasn’t there. Has a new one been made or something? Also, I’ll fix the motors tonight. I think it’ll help, but that can’t be the reason why the z axis isn’t moving is it?

No, that won’t affect z-axis. If you used a file from here, it is probably good. I’m not sure with the 79 or 80 on the Z-axis indicates (80 mm in depth would mean ~3 inches… so not sure). Is it possible that the router somehow disengaged from the the orange tab? Would be odd to do it at such a shallow cut. Also check to see if the Z-axis cable is really secure into the connector. It might have come loose perhaps?


Sounds good. I’ll give it a shot. I just noticed the heat displacer had fallen off as well. The tape didn’t hold well. I just ordered new ones on amazon. I’ll let you guys know how it goes. Also, what’s up with people using bungies on the routers? Does that help?

It does - by gently applying downward pressure, it removes the gear lash that would affect the Z accuracy when the z motor direction changes. Doesn’t need a lot of force…