Just got my MakerMadeCNC kit in the mail and am making plans to build the frame and set up the system.
When is the next GC release coming out? trying to determine if I should download 1.25 or wait for 1.26 as building the frame and assembly will probably take more than an afternoon.
I would go with 1.25 for sure. We do a release with any bug fixes or new features on the 1st of every month if there are changes to release, but for the last few months things have been stable. 1.25 will probably be the latest for at least another month.
Hi Bar,
I have been switching to a triangular setup, downloaded firmware and groundcontrol 1.26 yesterday and ran into some snafus with the calibration. Are you saying above that I should have used version 1.25 instead?
I have a number of things that seem to go wrong, like the chain not releasing after tensioning, and then the kogs running in the wrong direction and things that feel a little odd. Please let me know, I might just try to switch to 1.25. (I was coming from 1.16.)
I have the original frame with V-style arms with an additional 2x4 strength support bar horizontal to ground, the flexi-cord chain tension strategy, chains run over the top of the gear kog.
Under the âReleasesâ tab https://github.com/MaslowCNC/GroundControl/releases we are at 1.25.
You might have downloaded the âdeveloper versionâ with the green button. That could explain why you are at 1.26.
Having that said I donât think the are changes between the 2 that would explain your difficulties.
There is likely an other source, like being confused with âbottom feedâ and âtop feedâ that will change direction of how the sprockets turn.
Fastest is probably to post a picture of your setup and the groundcontorl.ini from your user folder.
Perhaps also change the settings in GC to what you measure by hand and start the calibration there.
Let us know in detail where you are stuck.
Tschuess, Gero
Thanks Gero,
Yeah, I totally did grab the developer version. My bad. I obviously tried to live by the rule not to change a running system. The triangulation system was just too tempting.
Anyway, I think Iâll do a total shutdown and go through the process again in the next couple of days while taking pics and screenshots along the way. That way I have good documentation to share. I think Iâll open a new thread though. This doesnât seem to fit here all that well.
Any more releases planned? I see no new releases since january, but wiki says to expect releases every couple of weeks, want to make sure iâm not missing anything. Struggling with calibration, was looking forward to updates in that process touted in various spots. Cheers
Iâm using the 1.26 release, just recently got mine setup and calibrated. Whatâs going on thatâs causing you issues? Maybe I can help while itâs all still fresh on my mind. I only had to do the process 6 times LOL but sheâs cutting good now.
The hold up on Ground Control and firmware releases is that they need to be tested completely before release and I am away from my machine so I canât do the testing. Using 1.26 is the thing to do!
One motor (left) keeps going the wrong direction when calibrating, the board disconnects regularly from ground control despite not having any usb issue, and once calibrated, seems to lose calibration when trying to use, at my wits endâŠ
We havenât made any changes that would address the issues you are seeing so I donât think that updating will solve the issue. Letâs see what we can figure out with the current version which is known to be stable.
This sounds like the problem to me. We know the issue is with the connection so the issue is either the Arduino, the USB cable, or the computer. Do you have a different computer or USB cable we can test with? That would isolate the issue so we know which part of the system the issue is with.