@bar I am at the point of giving up after spending hours and endless hours trying to get my Maslow 4 to work. So far I cut about 6".
This is what is happening now. I received a new control board after the original stopped controlling z-axis motors correctly. Installed the board. Connected everything back up. Downloaded and installed all new files assuming the board replacement would be like a new machine. Connected to my network. Retracted and extended belts, they only went out partially. Tried again. Changed parameters in set up. Same extension. Downloaded new firmware again. The setup interface didn’t change to the new one shown on Bars firmware release. Downloaded and installed again. Same. Also getting continuous error messages. “No heartbeat from machine in 10 seconds. Please check connection.” Error 3. Looked up error 3. Useless. Disconnected from my wifi and ran direct to Maslow wifi. Same.
Also getting yellow and green lights on one of the encoders, all others are just green. Swapped connectors. Issue relates directly to that encoder. Assuming this is bad but since I can’t get anything to run, I don’t know the implications.
I really want this to work but this is probably my last attempt before I sell it or junk it. Help!!!
Hi! It seems this problem could be broken into several smaller ones. First, could you please reboot the page after installing the firmware and see if it makes any effect on the interface? Also you could press “Test” so it should dispaly your current version. Second could you please tell your frame size, its orientation and the calibration grid size that you are using?
Thanks! Some more obvious questions, if you don’t mind. Did you install the firmware.bin from here (Releases · BarbourSmith/FluidNC · GitHub) and after that replaced “index.html.gz” and “maslow.yaml” downloaded from the same repository in the “files” tab (and you are sure those are not the files from some previous firmware version that you might have on your pc)? If you did, could you configure the machine back to AP mode instead of WiFi, connect and then use different browser to display the FluidNC page?
I did upload the current files from GitHub. Just to review the process to make sure I am doing it right I downloaded the index and yaml files to my pc then I went to Manage Local files/ selected “upload files” and selected the files I had just downloaded. I updated the firmware file using the upload firmware tab. Was this correct?
i disconnected from my Wi-Fi and connected to Maslow.local Wi-Fi but it won’t open a browser to load the fluid nc interface. Tried 3 browsers I rebooted my pc. Same results. I was able to connect directly to via Maslow.local earlier this week but no longer.
I did upload the current files from GitHub. Just to review the process to make sure I am doing it right I downloaded the index and yaml files to my pc then I went to Manage Local files/ selected “upload files” and selected the files I had just downloaded. I updated the firmware file using the upload firmware tab. Was this correct?
all three files get uploaded in the firemware upload, not the file upload tab.
And you need to make sure that when you download index.html.gz, the OS doesn’t
uncompress it, you need to upload the .gz file, not index.html
i disconnected from my Wi-Fi and connected to Maslow.local Wi-Fi but it won’t
open a browser to load the fluid nc interface. Tried 3 browsers I rebooted my
pc. Same results. I was able to connect directly to via Maslow.local earlier
this week but no longer.
when you say it won’t open a browser, what happens when you try to open the
So i tried the ip address but it just hangs on loading the interface. Went back to network connection which does communicate at some level to the machine. Deleted index and yaml files and reinstalled Am I doing it correctly?
@bar I had adressed set up problems and was finally getting the Maslow 4 working until I installed the new control card, I didn’t have any of the current problems. Do you think it is a bad board?
This ip address only works if you are connected to the access point that maslow creates. However if you have “STA->AP” setting on it will first try to connect to known wifi and if it is not available will create its own access point named “maslow” (which will then try to automatically open a browser when you connect to it). When it is connected to your home network “maslow.local” should redirect you to the page.
when you talk about the browser connecting, is this a browser that pops up
saying something about needing to sign in to the network? or a regular browser
(what OS are you using)
it may be that you are in a limited browser that is designed just to do captive
portal signins
Thanks everyone. Please let me know what screen shots you would like and I will post tomorrow.
The index file is not updating. I deleted my current index and yaml files again and uploaded new versions to no avail. Test shows same version and the set up layout hasn’t changed.
I am clueless on next steps. Is there anyway I can do a total reset and start over as if it was just out of the box?
Is it possible that the file is downloading somewhere other than where you expect it to be?
Yes! Absolutely. This is the file that you want to do that with:
If you download the .zip file for the version that you want to install, connect the machine to a computer with a USB cable, and then double click on the “full_install.bat” file it will fully wipe the machine and reset everything to factory settings.
Note that this will make it forget everything, including your wifi network so you will have to connect to the “maslow” wifi network that the machine creates.
I tried. Hung up on install. See screen shot. Got to the last line and just hung with blinking line. Blinking yellow light on unit. Connected to the local Maslow.local but wouldn’t open browser.