For those of you that are using Onshape as your CAD, what CAM are you using?
Kirimoto is frustrating (basic stuff like if I’m cutting a ring; it will only had tabs on the out side cut, but will not add them to the inside cut).
Anyway to get an SVG out? I’ve exhausted my Google’fu and it appears the only way is to export a sketch as a dxf and they use a converter to create an SVG file. Only problem is that everytime I export an DXF the file seems to be corrupt and will not open or import in any converter I’ve tried. (Full disclosure, I may be missing something here… I’m tired this evening and will try harder tomorrow ).
Thanks I’ll give VisualCam a try… looks like it may only be free until they exit beta… but maybe they’ll keep a free version for educational/maker/hobbyist
I usually make a drawing of all my parts and then export them as a single .dxf and convert using Inkscape. It’s way more steps than I would like it to be, but it seems to work consistently.
I have been using Onshape to design a solar dehydrator that is cut from a single sheet of plywood. Here is a screen shot:
I follow these basic steps:
Create a drawing in Onshape by creating a 1:1 scale drawing that has no extraneous stuff
Make sure you include cross hairs at the center of a 48” x 96” sheet of plywood
Right click on the drawing tab in Onshape and choose “export to dxf”
Convert to an svg file using an online converter (Cloud convert)
Open Makercam and allow “unsafe scripts” to run.
Edit Preferences and choose 8.17 pixels per inch
Open the svg file
Scale out to see the drawing
Select everything and translate it until the cross hairs are directly over the origin
Select each shape, name it and create a pocket or profile
Set tool size, depth of cuts, speed of cuts, safe height…
Calculate tool paths
Create tabs
Export Gcode (create an NC file)
Open NC file from Ground Control on the Maslow computer
Verify origin is in the correct place