OpenDesk Github Repository / Wooden Joints

@h3h3, the easiest way to download these files is probably from the data archive I created at There should be links on the right hand side that allow for a ZIP archive download.

If you want to download from the GitHub repository, you can navigate to a specific files directory, the lean-desk-v1.5.0 for example, you can then select an individual file, the LEN_DSK_STD_1600x2400x738_SA_AP_1_5_0_cad-1_18.00-0.0.dxf for example, and then click the Raw button in the upper right hand corner, you should then get a file that you can save by right clicking and “saving to file”.

Here is a picture:

Alternatively, you can go to the root directory of the repository,, and then click the Code button in the upper right and select the Download ZIP option. Here is another picture:

My dev repository has a bunch of other stuff in it that has nothing to do with the OpenDesk files so you’ll be downloading a whole bunch of information you don’t need if you do it this way. If you do download the whole repository, you’ll have to navigate to the location within the repository which should mirror the file location above. For redundancies sake, it’s in dev/projects/maslowcnc/opendesk.

Looking around, I just found someone forked my repository and made it leaner to only include the OpenDesk files. The repo can be found at and the corresponding discussion can be found on this forum here. All the same instructions for download apply to the leaner repository.

At one point @bar was talking about making some hosted site available so we could upload these files but I’m not really sure what happened to that.