Parametric wine rack

For 12 bottles of different sizes and 15 glasses
It’s called Tsa Ccu, which means Water in the indigenous language.
Made entirely with Maslow 4, only screws were used on the hinges, KrabsCAM was used for the G code (I love KrabzCAM), Sketchup for the design and this magnificent community that helped with the whole challenge.
I’m very excited, because I just left this in its final place, for now I’m sharing the proof before delivery, later I’ll share more of the process with Maslow 4. Thank you very much.
I split a video in two to be able to upload it here


This is SO COOOL :heart_eyes:


Seriously so so so so so cool!

Would it be OK if we included your videos in a video update? (Giving you credit of course)

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Of course you can use the video in whatever you want, I would be very happy if it is shared a lot. I sent you the video with better definition to the email

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