Continuing the discussion from Web control impressions (and suggestions):
I don’t have a pibakery install to do any troubleshooting with. Does anyone else have a pibakery install and experience this issue?
Continuing the discussion from Web control impressions (and suggestions):
I don’t have a pibakery install to do any troubleshooting with. Does anyone else have a pibakery install and experience this issue?
If you have to reset the chain setting (top or bottom) on every reboot, then it probably might be messing with your calibration as well. Can you go to Actions->Download Diagnostics and email the file to madgrizzlemaslow at gmail dot com? Might be able to help me see what’s going on.
(speculation) Could it be the .webcontrol folder isn’t being made, so nothing is saving? Permissions issue?
That’s what we might find when trying to create the diagnostics file. If its empty, then likely the folder isn’t there and therefore, most likely, a user/permissions issue.
Sorry, work has been super busy. Just sent you the diagnostics logs @madgrizzle.