Pocket C.H.I.P. for ground control

Has anyone considered putting ground control on the Pocket C.H.I.P.? (https://getchip.com/pages/pocketchip)

The form factor is small, it is an inexpensive unit. If the board specs out, it may be a good alternative for me. I have two MACS and I can’t see the IOS update on github.

you may be able to get that to work, what’s the word on Linux support for those

Ground Control is written in Python and needs OpenGL 2 support. If these devices
will do that, they can run GC


Word on the street is the company “CHIP” will take your money for a order and takes several months if ever to fill orders. They went dark on a new Kickstarter campaign too. I would not put time in on pocket chip - & I own two of them. The screen resolution wouldn’t work.

Thank you


Sounds like good advice. I see lots of complaints about delivery and timing orders.

I’m not done yet, but I’m going to try using one of the cheap win10 tablets. I’ll post with instructions and my results in a bit…

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I have this and it works great!