I just wanted to print the dust collector shroud. By looking at the 3D-object in my slicer, I asked myself if the holes for bolting to the sled are interfering with the clear plexi piece. The holes left and right from the stepper motor need to be elevated over the plexi sheet or need to be removed completely. I would suggest to remove them, because four bolts should be strong enough.
Another request is for a shroud with 35 mm and 45 mm. Bosch has either the option for 35 mm with an adapter or direct to the hose with 45 mm.
I printed the dust collector and I found that two of the six mounting holes are misaligned.
It´s a pretty rough and quick print @ 0.28mm layer height and I’m going to check if my printer is skewed, but since the other four fit well, could it be that the stl file is not fitting?
Anyone know if this needs support structures to print? Looking at the model visually it looks like all the overhangs are built into a slope, no sharp edges. Support sometimes is difficult to remove or deal with. I might just outsource it to someone who does SLA. Cura definitely seems to think it needs support.
I printed mine with supports, including internal supports. You may be able to orient it such that you don’t need as many supports, but I could not find a good one. This is truly not a great design for 3d printing without support, but others have also cut a dust collection shroud with the maslow in another thread if that is something that interests you.
I have it in my mind to try taking this model and simplifying it a bit so it prints more easily, but it is down on the todo list a fair bit