Push to extend bug?

horizontal or vertical? Having that wrong is something that can cause this issue…

Horizontal. I just re-ran the calibration. It made it further but bombed on what I think it the outer-most pass.

[MSG:INFO: Zeroing z-axis position]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 0]
[MSG:INFO: Center point deviation: TL: 0.100 TR: 0.927 BL: -61.879 BR: 44.274]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 1]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 2]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 3]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 4]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 5]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 6]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 7]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 8]
CLBM:[{bl:2136.06,   br:2242.22,   tr:2198.87,   tl:2198.04},{bl:2131.15,   br:2131.27,   tr:2226.99,   tl:2313.48},{bl:1921.11,   br:2388.95,   tr:2430.96,   tl:2073.57},{bl:1953.53,   br:2455.80,   tr:2410.04,   tl:1994.88},{bl:2034.13,   br:2519.94,   tr:2349.23,   tl:1921.08},{bl:2221.27,   br:2269.76,   tr:2131.31,   tl:2174.62},{bl:2429.35,   br:2073.59,   tr:1921.08,   tl:2388.15},{bl:2409.94,   br:1994.83,   tr:1951.30,   tl:2456.56},{bl:2349.18,   br:1921.04,   tr:2031.55,   tl:2520.29},]
Computing... This may take several minutesFitness: 0.6305213 in 100
Fitness: 0.6305213 in 200
Fitness: 0.6305213 in 300
Fitness: 0.6305213 in 400
Fitness: 0.6305213 in 500
Fitness: 0.6305213 in 600
Fitness: 0.6305213 in 700
Fitness: 0.6305213 in 800
Fitness: 0.6305213 in 900
Fitness: 0.6305213 in 1000
Fitness: 0.6305213 in 1100

Calibration complete 
Calibration values:
Fitness: 0.6305212777917227
Maslow_tlX: -54.6
Maslow_tlY: 2438.4
Maslow_trX: 3602.6
Maslow_trY: 2438.4
Maslow_blX: 0.0
Maslow_blY: 0.0
Maslow_brX: 3657.4
Maslow_brY: 0.0
These values have been automatically saved for you.
[MSG:INFO: Zeroing z-axis position]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 9]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 10]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 11]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 12]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 13]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 14]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 15]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 16]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 17]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 18]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 19]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 20]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 21]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 22]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 23]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 24]
CLBM:[{bl:2136.06,   br:2242.22,   tr:2198.87,   tl:2198.04},{bl:2131.15,   br:2131.27,   tr:2226.99,   tl:2313.48},{bl:1921.11,   br:2388.95,   tr:2430.96,   tl:2073.57},{bl:1953.53,   br:2455.80,   tr:2410.04,   tl:1994.88},{bl:2034.13,   br:2519.94,   tr:2349.23,   tl:1921.08},{bl:2221.27,   br:2269.76,   tr:2131.31,   tl:2174.62},{bl:2429.35,   br:2073.59,   tr:1921.08,   tl:2388.15},{bl:2409.94,   br:1994.83,   tr:1951.30,   tl:2456.56},{bl:2349.18,   br:1921.04,   tr:2031.55,   tl:2520.29},{bl:2268.78,   br:1875.97,   tr:2136.57,   tl:2566.92},{bl:2045.65,   br:2095.15,   tr:2322.23,   tl:2367.07},{bl:1829.39,   br:2319.47,   tr:2521.21,   tl:2176.58},{bl:1622.79,   br:2547.52,   tr:2731.09,   tl:1999.31},{bl:1704.42,   br:2596.66,   tr:2665.06,   tl:1909.35},{bl:1787.47,   br:2650.45,   tr:2604.26,   tl:1823.57},{bl:1876.14,   br:2712.91,   tr:2548.13,   tl:1742.42},{bl:1968.38,   br:2775.11,   tr:2497.00,   tl:1666.82},{bl:2138.64,   br:2567.90,   tr:2268.77,   tl:1879.32},{bl:2324.56,   br:2367.18,   tr:2045.58,   tl:2096.48},{bl:2522.77,   br:2176.69,   tr:1829.25,   tl:2320.07},{bl:2728.61,   br:1999.41,   tr:1622.78,   tl:2547.82},{bl:2665.17,   br:1909.48,   tr:1703.59,   tl:2596.66},{bl:2604.37,   br:1823.69,   tr:1783.23,   tl:2651.69},{bl:2548.23,   br:1742.57,   tr:1871.03,   tl:2711.27},{bl:2497.12,   br:1666.97,   tr:1962.40,   tl:2774.81},]
Computing... This may take several minutesFitness: 0.7053504 in 100
Fitness: 0.7079796 in 200
Fitness: 0.7109355 in 300
Fitness: 0.7135266 in 400
Fitness: 0.7161786 in 500
Fitness: 0.7179938 in 600
Fitness: 0.7196857 in 700
Fitness: 0.7207913 in 800
Fitness: 0.7216071 in 900
Fitness: 0.7222044 in 1000
Fitness: 0.7225338 in 1100
Fitness: 0.7227236 in 1200
Fitness: 0.7227236 in 1300
Fitness: 0.7227236 in 1400
Fitness: 0.7227236 in 1500
Fitness: 0.7227236 in 1600
Fitness: 0.7227236 in 1700
Fitness: 0.7227236 in 1800
Fitness: 0.7227236 in 1900
Fitness: 0.7227236 in 2000
Fitness: 0.7227236 in 2100

Calibration complete 
Calibration values:
Fitness: 0.7227235635128384
Maslow_tlX: -55.6
Maslow_tlY: 2444.2
Maslow_trX: 3605.9
Maslow_trY: 2434.2
Maslow_blX: 0.0
Maslow_blY: 0.0
Maslow_brX: 3652.8
Maslow_brY: 0.0
These values have been automatically saved for you.
[MSG:INFO: Zeroing z-axis position]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 25]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 26]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 27]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 28]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 29]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 30]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 31]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 32]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 33]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 34]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 35]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 36]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 37]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 38]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 39]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 40]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 41]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 42]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 43]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 44]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 45]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 46]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 47]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 48]
CLBM:[{bl:2136.06,   br:2242.22,   tr:2198.87,   tl:2198.04},{bl:2131.15,   br:2131.27,   tr:2226.99,   tl:2313.48},{bl:1921.11,   br:2388.95,   tr:2430.96,   tl:2073.57},{bl:1953.53,   br:2455.80,   tr:2410.04,   tl:1994.88},{bl:2034.13,   br:2519.94,   tr:2349.23,   tl:1921.08},{bl:2221.27,   br:2269.76,   tr:2131.31,   tl:2174.62},{bl:2429.35,   br:2073.59,   tr:1921.08,   tl:2388.15},{bl:2409.94,   br:1994.83,   tr:1951.30,   tl:2456.56},{bl:2349.18,   br:1921.04,   tr:2031.55,   tl:2520.29},{bl:2268.78,   br:1875.97,   tr:2136.57,   tl:2566.92},{bl:2045.65,   br:2095.15,   tr:2322.23,   tl:2367.07},{bl:1829.39,   br:2319.47,   tr:2521.21,   tl:2176.58},{bl:1622.79,   br:2547.52,   tr:2731.09,   tl:1999.31},{bl:1704.42,   br:2596.66,   tr:2665.06,   tl:1909.35},{bl:1787.47,   br:2650.45,   tr:2604.26,   tl:1823.57},{bl:1876.14,   br:2712.91,   tr:2548.13,   tl:1742.42},{bl:1968.38,   br:2775.11,   tr:2497.00,   tl:1666.82},{bl:2138.64,   br:2567.90,   tr:2268.77,   tl:1879.32},{bl:2324.56,   br:2367.18,   tr:2045.58,   tl:2096.48},{bl:2522.77,   br:2176.69,   tr:1829.25,   tl:2320.07},{bl:2728.61,   br:1999.41,   tr:1622.78,   tl:2547.82},{bl:2665.17,   br:1909.48,   tr:1703.59,   tl:2596.66},{bl:2604.37,   br:1823.69,   tr:1783.23,   tl:2651.69},{bl:2548.23,   br:1742.57,   tr:1871.03,   tl:2711.27},{bl:2497.12,   br:1666.97,   tr:1962.40,   tl:2774.81},{bl:2453.96,   br:1590.39,   tr:2057.48,   tl:2849.98},{bl:2221.00,   br:1809.92,   tr:2217.28,   tl:2648.77},{bl:1991.97,   br:2033.51,   tr:2400.77,   tl:2454.26},{bl:1768.60,   br:2265.20,   tr:2594.82,   tl:2270.63},{bl:1553.50,   br:2497.82,   tr:2796.05,   tl:2100.75},{bl:1350.48,   br:2730.75,   tr:3004.76,   tl:1948.39},{bl:1435.67,   br:2770.74,   tr:2942.53,   tl:1847.01},{bl:1523.00,   br:2816.13,   tr:2882.32,   tl:1748.76},{bl:1615.10,   br:2867.89,   tr:2826.31,   tl:1654.03},{bl:1712.13,   br:2922.24,   tr:2774.84,   tl:1563.71},{bl:1812.43,   br:2984.22,   tr:2728.12,   tl:1478.36},{bl:1915.26,   br:3046.14,   tr:2686.38,   tl:1399.00},{bl:2059.37,   br:2837.69,   tr:2450.38,   tl:1607.46},{bl:2224.19,   br:2634.55,   tr:2217.20,   tl:1824.82},{bl:2405.16,   br:2440.12,   tr:1988.18,   tl:2047.95},{bl:2598.69,   br:2256.74,   tr:1764.81,   tl:2276.70},{bl:2799.73,   br:2087.11,   tr:1549.69,   tl:2508.07},{bl:3008.49,   br:1935.08,   tr:1346.65,   tl:2745.85},{bl:2946.39,   br:1833.56,   tr:1430.75,   tl:2783.47},{bl:2886.15,   br:1735.15,   tr:1519.17,   tl:2828.80},{bl:2830.13,   br:1640.25,   tr:1610.82,   tl:2880.64},{bl:2778.62,   br:1549.74,   tr:1708.20,   tl:2935.65},{bl:2731.87,   br:1464.33,   tr:1807.61,   tl:2995.52},{bl:2690.10,   br:1384.79,   tr:1910.37,   tl:3058.75},]
Computing... This may take several minutesFitness: 0.5999751 in 100
Fitness: 0.5999751 in 200
Fitness: 0.5999751 in 300
Fitness: 0.5999751 in 400
Fitness: 0.5999751 in 500
Fitness: 0.5999751 in 600
Fitness: 0.5999751 in 700
Fitness: 0.5999751 in 800
Fitness: 0.5999751 in 900
Fitness: 0.5999751 in 1000

Calibration complete 
Calibration values:
Fitness: 0.5999750770353
Maslow_tlX: -55.6
Maslow_tlY: 2443.5
Maslow_trX: 3606.2
Maslow_trY: 2434.9
Maslow_blX: 0.0
Maslow_blY: 0.0
Maslow_brX: 3653.4
Maslow_brY: 0.0
These values have been automatically saved for you.
[MSG:INFO: Zeroing z-axis position]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 49]
[MSG:ERR: Calibration data not acknowledged by computer, resending]
CLBM:[{bl:2136.06,   br:2242.22,   tr:2198.87,   tl:2198.04},{bl:2131.15,   br:2131.27,   tr:2226.99,   tl:2313.48},{bl:1921.11,   br:2388.95,   tr:2430.96,   tl:2073.57},{bl:1953.53,   br:2455.80,   tr:2410.04,   tl:1994.88},{bl:2034.13,   br:2519.94,   tr:2349.23,   tl:1921.08},{bl:2221.27,   br:2269.76,   tr:2131.31,   tl:2174.62},{bl:2429.35,   br:2073.59,   tr:1921.08,   tl:2388.15},{bl:2409.94,   br:1994.83,   tr:1951.30,   tl:2456.56},{bl:2349.18,   br:1921.04,   tr:2031.55,   tl:2520.29},{bl:2268.78,   br:1875.97,   tr:2136.57,   tl:2566.92},{bl:2045.65,   br:2095.15,   tr:2322.23,   tl:2367.07},{bl:1829.39,   br:2319.47,   tr:2521.21,   tl:2176.58},{bl:1622.79,   br:2547.52,   tr:2731.09,   tl:1999.31},{bl:1704.42,   br:2596.66,   tr:2665.06,   tl:1909.35},{bl:1787.47,   br:2650.45,   tr:2604.26,   tl:1823.57},{bl:1876.14,   br:2712.91,   tr:2548.13,   tl:1742.42},{bl:1968.38,   br:2775.11,   tr:2497.00,   tl:1666.82},{bl:2138.64,   br:2567.90,   tr:2268.77,   tl:1879.32},{bl:2324.56,   br:2367.18,   tr:2045.58,   tl:2096.48},{bl:2522.77,   br:2176.69,   tr:1829.25,   tl:2320.07},{bl:2728.61,   br:1999.41,   tr:1622.78,   tl:2547.82},{bl:2665.17,   br:1909.48,   tr:1703.59,   tl:2596.66},{bl:2604.37,   br:1823.69,   tr:1783.23,   tl:2651.69},{bl:2548.23,   br:1742.57,   tr:1871.03,   tl:2711.27},{bl:2497.12,   br:1666.97,   tr:1962.40,   tl:2774.81},{bl:2453.96,   br:1590.39,   tr:2057.48,   tl:2849.98},{bl:2221.00,   br:1809.92,   tr:2217.28,   tl:2648.77},{bl:1991.97,   br:2033.51,   tr:2400.77,   tl:2454.26},{bl:1768.60,   br:2265.20,   tr:2594.82,   tl:2270.63},{bl:1553.50,   br:2497.82,   tr:2796.05,   tl:2100.75},{bl:1350.48,   br:2730.75,   tr:3004.76,   tl:1948.39},{bl:1435.67,   br:2770.74,   tr:2942.53,   tl:1847.01},{bl:1523.00,   br:2816.13,   tr:2882.32,   tl:1748.76},{bl:1615.10,   br:2867.89,   tr:2826.31,   tl:1654.03},{bl:1712.13,   br:2922.24,   tr:2774.84,   tl:1563.71},{bl:1812.43,   br:2984.22,   tr:2728.12,   tl:1478.36},{bl:1915.26,   br:3046.14,   tr:2686.38,   tl:1399.00},{bl:2059.37,   br:2837.69,   tr:2450.38,   tl:1607.46},{bl:2224.19,   br:2634.55,   tr:2217.20,   tl:1824.82},{bl:2405.16,   br:2440.12,   tr:1988.18,   tl:2047.95},{bl:2598.69,   br:2256.74,   tr:1764.81,   tl:2276.70},{bl:2799.73,   br:2087.11,   tr:1549.69,   tl:2508.07},{bl:3008.49,   br:1935.08,   tr:1346.65,   tl:2745.85},{bl:2946.39,   br:1833.56,   tr:1430.75,   tl:2783.47},{bl:2886.15,   br:1735.15,   tr:1519.17,   tl:2828.80},{bl:2830.13,   br:1640.25,   tr:1610.82,   tl:2880.64},{bl:2778.62,   br:1549.74,   tr:1708.20,   tl:2935.65},{bl:2731.87,   br:1464.33,   tr:1807.61,   tl:2995.52},{bl:2690.10,   br:1384.79,   tr:1910.37,   tl:3058.75},{bl:2653.34,   br:1313.20,   tr:2009.84,   tl:3125.27},]
Computing... This may take several minutesFitness: 0.6002717 in 100
Fitness: 0.6002717 in 200
Fitness: 0.6002717 in 300
Fitness: 0.6002717 in 400
Fitness: 0.6002717 in 500
Fitness: 0.6002717 in 600
Fitness: 0.6002717 in 700
Fitness: 0.6002717 in 800
Fitness: 0.6002717 in 900
Fitness: 0.6002717 in 1000

Calibration complete 
Calibration values:
Fitness: 0.6002717310071923
Maslow_tlX: -55.6
Maslow_tlY: 2443.2
Maslow_trX: 3606.2
Maslow_trY: 2434.9
Maslow_blX: 0.0
Maslow_blY: 0.0
Maslow_brX: 3653.5
Maslow_brY: 0.0
These values have been automatically saved for you.
[MSG:INFO: Zeroing z-axis position]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 50]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 51]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 52]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 53]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 54]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 55]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 56]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 57]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 58]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 59]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 60]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 61]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 62]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 63]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 64]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 65]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 66]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 67]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 68]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 69]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 70]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 71]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 72]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 73]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 74]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 75]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 76]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 77]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 78]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 79]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 80]
CLBM:[{bl:2136.06,   br:2242.22,   tr:2198.87,   tl:2198.04},{bl:2131.15,   br:2131.27,   tr:2226.99,   tl:2313.48},{bl:1921.11,   br:2388.95,   tr:2430.96,   tl:2073.57},{bl:1953.53,   br:2455.80,   tr:2410.04,   tl:1994.88},{bl:2034.13,   br:2519.94,   tr:2349.23,   tl:1921.08},{bl:2221.27,   br:2269.76,   tr:2131.31,   tl:2174.62},{bl:2429.35,   br:2073.59,   tr:1921.08,   tl:2388.15},{bl:2409.94,   br:1994.83,   tr:1951.30,   tl:2456.56},{bl:2349.18,   br:1921.04,   tr:2031.55,   tl:2520.29},{bl:2268.78,   br:1875.97,   tr:2136.57,   tl:2566.92},{bl:2045.65,   br:2095.15,   tr:2322.23,   tl:2367.07},{bl:1829.39,   br:2319.47,   tr:2521.21,   tl:2176.58},{bl:1622.79,   br:2547.52,   tr:2731.09,   tl:1999.31},{bl:1704.42,   br:2596.66,   tr:2665.06,   tl:1909.35},{bl:1787.47,   br:2650.45,   tr:2604.26,   tl:1823.57},{bl:1876.14,   br:2712.91,   tr:2548.13,   tl:1742.42},{bl:1968.38,   br:2775.11,   tr:2497.00,   tl:1666.82},{bl:2138.64,   br:2567.90,   tr:2268.77,   tl:1879.32},{bl:2324.56,   br:2367.18,   tr:2045.58,   tl:2096.48},{bl:2522.77,   br:2176.69,   tr:1829.25,   tl:2320.07},{bl:2728.61,   br:1999.41,   tr:1622.78,   tl:2547.82},{bl:2665.17,   br:1909.48,   tr:1703.59,   tl:2596.66},{bl:2604.37,   br:1823.69,   tr:1783.23,   tl:2651.69},{bl:2548.23,   br:1742.57,   tr:1871.03,   tl:2711.27},{bl:2497.12,   br:1666.97,   tr:1962.40,   tl:2774.81},{bl:2453.96,   br:1590.39,   tr:2057.48,   tl:2849.98},{bl:2221.00,   br:1809.92,   tr:2217.28,   tl:2648.77},{bl:1991.97,   br:2033.51,   tr:2400.77,   tl:2454.26},{bl:1768.60,   br:2265.20,   tr:2594.82,   tl:2270.63},{bl:1553.50,   br:2497.82,   tr:2796.05,   tl:2100.75},{bl:1350.48,   br:2730.75,   tr:3004.76,   tl:1948.39},{bl:1435.67,   br:2770.74,   tr:2942.53,   tl:1847.01},{bl:1523.00,   br:2816.13,   tr:2882.32,   tl:1748.76},{bl:1615.10,   br:2867.89,   tr:2826.31,   tl:1654.03},{bl:1712.13,   br:2922.24,   tr:2774.84,   tl:1563.71},{bl:1812.43,   br:2984.22,   tr:2728.12,   tl:1478.36},{bl:1915.26,   br:3046.14,   tr:2686.38,   tl:1399.00},{bl:2059.37,   br:2837.69,   tr:2450.38,   tl:1607.46},{bl:2224.19,   br:2634.55,   tr:2217.20,   tl:1824.82},{bl:2405.16,   br:2440.12,   tr:1988.18,   tl:2047.95},{bl:2598.69,   br:2256.74,   tr:1764.81,   tl:2276.70},{bl:2799.73,   br:2087.11,   tr:1549.69,   tl:2508.07},{bl:3008.49,   br:1935.08,   tr:1346.65,   tl:2745.85},{bl:2946.39,   br:1833.56,   tr:1430.75,   tl:2783.47},{bl:2886.15,   br:1735.15,   tr:1519.17,   tl:2828.80},{bl:2830.13,   br:1640.25,   tr:1610.82,   tl:2880.64},{bl:2778.62,   br:1549.74,   tr:1708.20,   tl:2935.65},{bl:2731.87,   br:1464.33,   tr:1807.61,   tl:2995.52},{bl:2690.10,   br:1384.79,   tr:1910.37,   tl:3058.75},{bl:2653.34,   br:1313.20,   tr:2009.84,   tl:3125.27},{bl:2413.72,   br:1529.77,   tr:2148.02,   tl:2923.27},{bl:2176.33,   br:1752.87,   tr:2306.85,   tl:2725.22},{bl:1942.03,   br:1983.05,   tr:2482.88,   tl:2536.60},{bl:1712.27,   br:2219.23,   tr:2669.95,   tl:2359.44},{bl:1489.06,   br:2456.53,   tr:2868.79,   tl:2196.49},{bl:1275.89,   br:2693.78,   tr:3071.76,   tl:2051.23},{bl:1078.43,   br:2941.81,   tr:3284.28,   tl:1927.45},{bl:1169.82,   br:2966.37,   tr:3222.57,   tl:1816.45},{bl:1263.72,   br:3002.81,   tr:3162.72,   tl:1707.44},{bl:1362.44,   br:3046.26,   tr:3106.69,   tl:1600.66},{bl:1465.63,   br:3092.28,   tr:3054.81,   tl:1496.77},{bl:1571.69,   br:3143.96,   tr:3007.21,   tl:1396.37},{bl:1680.70,   br:3202.04,   tr:2964.12,   tl:1300.12},{bl:1791.73,   br:3260.30,   tr:2925.74,   tl:1209.27},{bl:1903.66,   br:3328.33,   tr:2892.25,   tl:1124.87},{bl:2014.96,   br:3115.87,   tr:2650.97,   tl:1329.57},{bl:2154.21,   br:2910.57,   tr:2411.17,   tl:1546.43},{bl:2312.85,   br:2712.80,   tr:2173.86,   tl:1769.40},{bl:2488.91,   br:2524.29,   tr:1939.49,   tl:1998.65},{bl:2675.92,   br:2347.30,   tr:1709.72,   tl:2232.57},{bl:2872.42,   br:2184.68,   tr:1486.52,   tl:2468.81},{bl:3075.58,   br:2039.76,   tr:1273.28,   tl:2708.41},{bl:3285.28,   br:1916.75,   tr:1076.01,   tl:2948.41},{bl:3225.13,   br:1805.53,   tr:1167.29,   tl:2976.73},{bl:3165.26,   br:1696.20,   tr:1260.03,   tl:3016.09},{bl:3109.25,   br:1589.27,   tr:1358.97,   tl:3057.82},{bl:3057.34,   br:1485.17,   tr:1462.26,   tl:3105.69},{bl:3009.71,   br:1384.54,   tr:1566.41,   tl:3158.57},{bl:2966.58,   br:1288.06,   tr:1673.53,   tl:3214.52},{bl:2928.18,   br:1196.96,   tr:1784.22,   tl:3272.97},{bl:2894.66,   br:1112.49,   tr:1894.47,   tl:3335.09},]
Computing... This may take several minutesFitness: 0.4762201 in 100
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Push to extend has returned for my lower right encoder.

FW 0.74.2

Was able to run multiple jobs after updating, then left it overnight and it’s messed up today.

Restarting and replacing files did nothing.

Was able to show that it was the encoder by swapping ethernet with upper right, then demonstrating that pushing lower left belt extended upper right motor. Upper right belt extendingwas detected and extended lower right belt.

I fortunately during this troubleshooting, the lower right belt got mangled in the gears.

Currently left the machine half assembled and will reassemble later tonight or tomorrow.

Had to dremel out 3 bolts to get it apart this time. Will likely end up buying better bolts to start swapping in during future assemblies.


Was able to sit down with the unit today after being gone for 2 weeks. Made a successful cut on 5/12. Today the belts started acting like this when I went to extend all. Tried updating to 0.74 and the belts still push to extend. All four belts are acting this way now.

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Among those who have been experiencing the Push-to-extend bug, how many have tried grounding the direction pin on the encoders, and how many have either 1) run quite a bit after and no longer experienced the bug or conversely 2) experienced the bug even with the grounded pins?

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Back at it last night and the only belt that was acting up after I powered on the system was top right. I “extended” it out by pushing and taking up the slack butencoder never read correctly so the fan never shut off.

Hit retract all and returned everything to 0. When I extended all top right was working normally. Was able to complete my spoilboard grid test cut without issue.

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After leaving it disassembled for a day and putting it back together, the issue has gone away. No file/firmware changes.

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Its happening again in both left encoders. Although, my top left is switching +/- as I try to retract🤷‍♂️(will let out a bit then I have to push to get started again)

Have we concluded soldering the pin on the encoder to ground is the answer?

Im on v75 firmware and was working fine yesterday.
Left it on and belts anchored. No power outages, but did storm overnight.

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Which firmware version are you running?

I haven’t heard definitive proof, but I also haven’t heard from anyone who saw the issue that did that that they had the issue again afterwards so I believe that it is the fix.

V0.75 but was working fine yesterday. I did use my iphone today instead of my laptop :thinking:
Thats the only thing that changed other than storm last night and now today.
Machine was on through the night and anchored.

Edit: I did release tension and retract today because I was going to store the m4 so my wife can park in the garage because of the rain. I retracted and the lower left didnt start retracting until I pressed again, I did this after the other three retracted completely… I figured something was up with the encoder so I tried extending and this is where we are.

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Excited as just got my replacement board in and now both z axis are going but now have this weird push to extend bug happening….still cant do anything


Looking through google search on as5600 chip I found direction problems several times. Man I wish software could be a fix instead of breaking down the m4 again :sweat_smile:


Is this solder to ground something we can do?


Cameron wrote:

Is this solder to ground something we can do?

Yes, there is a thread that had the pictures showing it somewhere here.

David Lang


Here it is:


I officially can say that soldering the directional pins to ground definitely worked for me. I spent the afternoon tearing down, soldering and building back. On extend, all the motors worked.
Now on to my next problem, my left top motor will only extend and not retract. The three others retracted like a charm. I pressed extend again and the top left allowed me to extend more, to the point I ran out of belt, but just will not retract.

I remembered the retract current threshold and bumped it up to 2000. It worked!!!
Is it ok to keep that threshold there?

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Thanks for the data point!

Should be. I believe that Bar starts getting nervous if you bump it up to 2500. You might also try reducing the threshold after running it at 2000 for a while.

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Will do John, thanks!

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John Wolter wrote:

Should be. I believe that Bar starts getting nervous if you bump it up to
2500. You might also try reducing the threshold after running it at 2000 for a

When running the limit is 4000

the risk is more about the frame flexing and throwing off the calibration, there
is some testing of frame flex being experimented with.

David Lang

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Issue going away can also just come from leaving it sit, so a disassembly has a really good chance of discharging the static issue.

Would wait to see if it consistently doesn’t return when you would expect it to.