Raspberry Pi Cursor

Well, I haven’t had a lot of time today to test. I did a little bit of tweaking on the .kivy/config.ini ie, I disabled the touchring, it had defaulted to run both the mouse cursor and touchring together. I also lower framerate and set multisample to 0.

But at first blush it almost seems more stable over the ssh remote connection to my laptop. My RPi was using a logitech K400 bluetooth keyboard with built in touch pad, kivy did not seem to like it. Groundcontrol would crash or lock up if I gestured on the touchpad. I grabbed an old apple aluminum keyboard and plugged it with a wireless mouse and it seems to be an improvement.

After testing some more, and having GroundControl crash or run very slowly, I have since moved onto a different solution, see my post Raspberry Pi with KDE Window Manager, Wayland ver or try the trapped cursor solution Kinglsey uploaded at the beginning of this post or run Ubuntu Mate Headless option Bee created Continued Work on Ubuntu Mate Raspberry Pi3 if you want to run the Raspberry Pi without a touchscreen