Reprogramming Maslow for Traditional style CNC

Hey everyone, I had an idea and I was hoping someone could help me out. I often am flattening slabs of wood by hand and I was thinking about using the Maslow parts to run the flattening jig. Is there a way to reprogram the system so that the motors could simply run an X and Y axis? I was thinking of just using some simple linear bearings for the X and Y and then use the standard motor for the Z axis.

It’s just a thought right now, I am going to do some designing with sketchup as well though and see what I can come up with.

You would have to write a different firm- and software for it.
Did you see the maslow-mark-II-3d?
For a flattening jig the sled can’t ride on the surface and this mod solves it.

Kind regards, Gero

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