Slicker Sled formica v wax

So I have some Formica laminate left over from a shop project and I was about to adhere it to the bottom on my sled to slick it up. Right before I started I changed my mind and sanded the bottom of the sled to 320 grit and then applied 3 coats of johnson paste wax with a buffer. It is super slick now. It is cheap and effective. Try it out.


I always suggest Bees Wax! Whatever works I support


Thank you

I did the same sanding ritual 100, 150, 220 and then ten followed up with 3 coats of wipe on poly-urethane on 3/4" inch cabinet grade plywood. I like the wipe-on poly, because I can just cut up an old t-shirt to apply it. I also have a can of wax, i can reach for…


I think you are biased to bees wax.

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I am. However it is a staple of woodworking too:

Thank you

Not only woodworking but metal as well.

And it’s great for sewing and starting wood screws