Sourcing the MakeMade M2 from China

Hi, We are interested in buying the MakerMade M2 kit and selling it in Africa. Is there a supplier we can bulk order the kits directly from China? I really believe in this machine and the positive impact it can make in our market. Unfortunately, China is the only country we can source from in our region in Africa, we can’t source from the US or other countries. Thanks!

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Makermade is an independent company that builds open source Maslows, and while they occasionally post in this group you need to contact them directly. At the bottom of this page is a contact me link that should be helpful. Let us know if that doesn’t work, perhaps there’s another forum member with better info.

Where in Africa are you? One of my daughters was the CEO of a medical devices startup that does business in Kenya and Ghana and she’s made many trips there.

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Hey, happy to help here. Although I do think you might already be working with my China team on this since we received an inquiry through our Alibaba or Global Sources account. We can certainly supply you with the kits from China directly. Send me a private message over email, and I can get you in touch with our sales team.

–t.j. weber