Anyone know how to reset or move a tool path in ground control?
the only thing you can do in GC is to move home.
Had issues trying to cut these parts when the chain got caught up. Then when i tried to send the sled back to zero it would not go.
you need to reset the chains (assuming you marked the links during calibration)
or re-do calibration.
If the maslow thinks the chain lengths are different from what they really are,
bad things happen
Now even after clearing the g code and rebooting the tool path shows above the work area.
you have two different issues. The chain lengths and the gcode not being correct
The g code is fine as it works ok on another machine without this issue.
what is the other machine? another maslow? or a different large format CNC? on
the Maslow, 0,0 is in the center of the machine (by default, you can move it
with the ‘set home’ button), on many other machines it’s in
the bottom left corner.
Might be a terminology issue, but don’t confuse calibration with resetting the chains. Calibration is used to adjust the parameters that are used to convert x,y to chain lengths… such as distance between motors, rotational radius, chain tolerance. These don’t normally change over time. Resetting the chains back to known lengths does not require you do recalibrate.
Hi All so i have tried everything including re installing Ground Control and re calibrating my machine. As soon as I open any g-code including it shows the tool path above the work area?
Surely someone else mush have had this issue before?
In GC, if i recall correctly, there’s a button at the top of the settings page… might say Maslow Settings or something… click that and I think that then gives you a drop down list of other setting pages… pick advanced settings.
Thanks but cant find any reference to that in settings. Am using the latest version of gc. You can see the settings when you open it as in this pic. Why does it say percent complete/line instead of a number. This looks like it might be the issue?
What that label is saying is that the number below (0.0%) is the percent complete of the gcode and the number below that (0) is the line number the gcode is on.
The setting for homex and homey is there… See my previous post about how to find the Advanced Settings page… its not intuitive. Click settings and then click the button at the top of the page that comes up and, if i recall correctly, it will give you a drop down so you can pick advanced settings.
Either do that (change it to 0,0 manually) or back on the home screen, press ‘Define Home’. Since the sled is at 0,0, I think it will change home to 0,0.
Is now in the work area. Does this toolpath look like it is bigger than the 4 by 8? Its supposed to fit, not sure what it means.
What’s the correct way to adjust the sled to start in a different position if you are using plywood with existing cutouts you want to avoid. Must have messed it up when i tried that.