Top right motor won't connect

error 82 is saying that it couldn’t create a file, so it may be that it didn’t
save the results.

see Alarm and Error Codes | Wiki.js

you do have the values, so you can try entering them directly

David Lang

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Well, it didn’t fail this time because of the motor current. It failed for a totally new reason. I will start a new thread since it seems the motor issue has been bandaged for now.

Thanks all

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I am back. Still not resolved and just random enough to drive a person insane. I posted the details of the calibration last time and everything seemed to work well. I had an error that said my .yaml file may have been corrupted but rebooted everything and all the numbers looked good. I tried a test run and it froze up without any error shown in the Serial output.

Retract all, Extend all, Apply Tension and then Jog the machine everywhere my project pattern would take it. First, jogged all over the footprint using X, Y and then diagonals. I kept the router off for this part and no errors.

But, I am paranoid now so I did the entire exercise again with the router running but the bit up off the spoilboard. After 10-15 minutes of jogging, I got 4 errors in a row about the Top Left motor exceeding 4000.

I thought I figured it out but just in case, I turned the router off and continued moving things around and for the first time ever got two errors in a row for the Bottom Left axis exceeding 4000. This is brand new.

I need some guidance on whether to say in this thread or not because now it doesn’t seem like the motor or board are to blame.


David B

Tell me about it. Most of the remaining bugs fall into this category because they are so damn hard to fix because they happen sporadically.

Anna saw a current exceeding 4000 error happen while testing yesterday and also didn’t have the belts being too tight so it seems like that error message may be triggering at times when it’s not needed. I’m going to take that from being an error to being a warning in this week’s firmware update.

So… is there a way now that I can change how that’s perceived by the interface? If I’m jogging, no reboot is required. If I’m cutting a project it requires a reboot. If it could never require a reboot then I think it would be just fine.

Not right now, but I will have a version by the end of today which will work that way :grinning:

Thank you
David B