Not sure if this issue is hardware or software. I’m leaning towards software. About a week ago I decided to recalibrate my machine after what I considered to be a fairly promising first set of cuts of the calibration benchmark test. My vertical accuracy left somthing to be desired and I had a few ideas where to do a better job in the calibration. Every time I have run the chain length part of the calibration I get the sled not keeping up notification so I didn’t think it was a big deal when it happened this time. Then I got to the next step setting the sprocket tooth perfectly straight up and down. Just to see what would happen i hit the automatic button. At first both motors moved and I thought all was fine but then I noticed that the right motor/sprocket wasn’t properly aligned so I hit the button again and nothing. The motors wouldn’t move at all. I tried backing out of the calibration and running the motor test and still nothing. It was late and I was tired so I shut it off and came back today and when I switched everything on it all worked so I started going through the calibration process again. Got to the point where it measured out the chain on each side preparatory to reattaching the sled. On my machine with a 12 ft top beam I’ve found it diffiuclt if not impossible to attach the sled with the initial run out of chain so I hit the button to move it to center just to pay out some more chain (again nothing hanging on the chains e.g. no weight) and I get the message “sled not keeping up” and again nothing. Seems like the program has locked up because I shut down ground control and open it back up and do a motor test and everything checks out fine but I exited out of the calibration too early and lost my settings and now the machine doesn’t know where it is.
Anyone know why this might be happening?