First time owner and 100% new to Maslow. I thought I was doing the update correctly, but as it turns out I made things worse. I tried to delete the index.html 9.25.56.gz, but system will not let me. I was thinking of deleting it and installing the index.html.gz from the same version V0.64. So i am stuck with no clue as to my next step. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
You are correct in saying that i am using the Maslow WiFi/ popup. My Maslow has not been connected to my home WiFi yet.
Maybe i am doing something wrong but i can only select between the Maslow WiFi or my home WiFi and when switch from the Maslow WiFi to my home WiFi the Maslow popup screen goes away.
Thank you… I was able to delete that incorrect index.html file using the method you spelled out for me. Now the newly downloaded index.html file fails install. The install will complete and when connecting to Maslow i get the error.
that is what was going on. I add the “.gz” and it would not install. After i downloaded the file as a “save as” it would install with no issues.
On Mac, “right click” and choose “Download linked file” - that will download the file as-is with the correct extension and I think you’ll be OK.
I had the same problem on my macbook.
When you just do a standard download to the download folder it removes the .gz
If you right click(two fingers click) it and choose “download linked file as” you can choose the location and it will keep the extensions.
Best regards,
I’m stuck in a similar situation where I mistakenly created a new folder named index.html.gz that is empty. When I click the track can it shows says that the folder has been deleted, I refresh the list and it still is there. When I go to upload the actual index file, that upload fails, I think because I already have a folder with that name. Any ideas?
If you are on windows there is a full-install.bat file inside the zip release that will let you completely reset the maslow. For mac or linux you would have to use platformio or esptool manually.
This bug of the fluid ui not allowing file/folder deletes or renames is bad though. I’ve written an issue in github for this so we don’t lose it.
The maslow is connected to my network, but when I run the batch file on my windows laptop I get an error “A fatal error occurred: Could not connect to an Espressif device on any of the 0 available serial ports.” The only similar error I’m seeing on reddit has to do with a faulty usb cable causing the error. Is there a driver I should install or reinstall?