Issues with fluid and uplaoding index.html.gz

I’m trying to upload the index.html.gz file
I clicked the add folder button accidently
and added a folder called index.html.gz
this might be why when i try to upload the index.html.gz file it fails.
also the interface looks completely different (attached)
leaving me unable to change the name of the folder i added (also deleting it doesn’t do anything)
please help?
looking forward to calibrating it

Hi Byron, Have you tried to connect directly from the browser by typing IP address

I myself have the problem that I can select and upload the index file but at the end I get error message about not enough space.
Anyone ran into the same problem and found a solution?

make sure that your desktop didn’t uncompress it, you can delete the file first,
but most of the time this has been reported, it turned out that the mac they
were using uncompressed the file so they were uploading index.html, not
the compressed index.html.gz

No luck there.
Have you tried resetting fluid?

That to bad,
I got mine working with solution @dlang, thanks.
turns out that I had to download the file and use save as, to preserve the .gz extension.
hope you get yours up and running soon.

I have noticed that renaming does not seem to work in the fluid interface, and that is super annoying.

There is a way to reset the flash file system to the default, but I’m not finding the post where bar mentioned where the “bat” file is for that (also would need to hook up via usb to do it if I’m remembering right). Anyone else know?

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I’ve started including the full installer in each release so the .zip folder here has the full_install.bat that you are talking about:


yep thats what i need to know
how could i reset the “flash file system”
I tried hooking up via usb but my computer didn’t do anything

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Double clicking on the full_install.bat will reset the flash file system and the firmware. It does everything all at once :grinning: