Is a “bunch of motors” really required?
not a bunch of speeds, but probably several strengths to find how much we need
to properly move the router.
there are a lot of different options for bungees, Instead of a short bungee
going to the bolts on the handle, I shot a couple screws into the outer edges of
the sled and used a long, flat bungee going to those, so that the tension varies
less as the router moves up (the difference in the bungee length is a much
smaller percentage, so the tension goes up far less), I ended up having to tie a
couple knots in it to shorten it just a smidge.
I did look at the post in a browser, but hadn’t noticed the small variation in
motor power. (I see the links to the pictures in the e-mail so I know I’m
missing something)
Personally I am not a fan of the ridged Z axis too many issues and frustration
equals bad branding for the Maslow CNC. Better to include a real Z axis for
$30 to $35 with the kit. IMHO.
I’ve got mixed feelings on this, the reports I’m hearing of the metal maslow
seem to indicate that the Z axis is rather weak (in terms of handling side
stress), and I like to use far more aggressive cuts. This weekend I was doing
some 3/4" deep cuts in a single pass with a 1/4" bit (I was going too slow and
let the heat build up, so I cooked the bit, but only after making a half dozen
~2’x2’ panels with what was already a well used bit)
when a bit goes dull, it just stops cutting and if this happens while you are
deep in the wood, that produces a lot of side force on the router as the chains
keep pulling. I worry that a cheap Z axis could run into trouble and get
on the other hand, using the router’s depth control is very much a hack, but
it’s an easy hack to get started. (and at the time, we didn’t realize that there
was the need for a bungee, that was figured out after the kits were in the field
for a bit)
I’d want to see more testing of different Z axis options before deciding that
one should be included by default (and in any case, that’s up to the people
shipping the kits)
David Lang