Username and password for: git clone

Hi there all!
Im super new to this forum, and Im looking for some help setting up grundcontrole on a raspberrypi.
I have made it till the command:
git clone
Here it askes me for a github username and password.
I made a github account and tried to use my github username (troelslindebjerg).
Then I get promted to enter my password, but when type now letters show - I can not write.
If i just press enter it saids ´remote: Invalid username or password`
Can any body help me solve this?

All the best

Welcome to the Forum.
Just type the password. It does not show, so no one can see and steal it.
Type the correct password and hit enter.


Hi Gero!

Thanks for your answer. It worked!! But It only got me one step further. Now it saids: fatal: repository ‘‘ not found

So it looks like i do sign in but Maslows Groundcontrole can not be found. Do you have any suggestions?

All the best


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I think there is a spelling error. Here is the correct link, .


Hi blurfl!
Thanks a lot. Yes there was a spelling error :wink: Not rely my strong side…
I got as fas as to the Ground Controle interface by typing:
cd /home/sysop/GroundControl/
sudo python
I was happy - till i tried to use the mouse and keyboard. The only thing it reacts to is when i hold down the mouse wheel and move the mose around. Then it zoom and pans at the same time.

I ran in to something in step 3a where you are ment to correct double inputs.
The first command:
sudo nano ~/.kivy/config.ini
gave me access to correct at script as instructed.
But the second command:
sudo nano /root/.kivy/config.ini
looked empty. So i could not correct the the script as instructed. Could that have something to do with the lack of mouse and keyboard input in Ground Controle?
Any suggestions on how to fix the lack of mouse and keyboard connection to ground control?

All the best

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Hi Troels, gala to hear your making progress. The /root/.kivy/config.ini file is only found on some flavors of Linux, so safe to ignore if it’s not there. The mouse cursor thing happens on some Raspberry Pi installations, there was a recent thread on the forum here with suggestions, but we haven’t heard back about the results. Of the links on that thread, this one sounds most like your problem.
You’re very close to finished, let us know how it goes!

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Hi blurfl!
Hmmmmmmm - looks a bit too harry to me :confused:
As I understand no one have yet bean running GroundControle on a pi? Maybe I will fall back on running GC on a more traditional platform.
Just tried to set it up on my MacBook. It works here! But i will have to find an other computer to run it from because i have to use my mac for other things and i cant tie it up running the Maslow. That was why i was hoping for the pi to work. Maybe at a later state more savy people than me will make it work.
Thanks for your help though. I feel very welcomed :smile:
All the best