V0.78 Is Up - Let us know!

V0.78 is out here: Release v0.78 · BarbourSmith/FluidNC · GitHub

Let me know if you find any weird behavior with it or issues, integrating the fix to the wifi issue lead to a lot of moving code around and it’s possible that I broke something along the way. The good news is that wifi disconnections during cuts no-longer interrupt the cut!


This is awesome! Thanks for working so hard on this issue.

I ran into a few things.

  1. It would appear that the name of the SSID broadcast by the machine has reverted back to “FluidNC” - easily updated in the config
  2. The local hostname has also reverted to “fluidnc.local” also, easily updated
  3. I can’t seem to get mine to accept the config. error:152 - Configuration is invalid. Maslow.yaml file may be corrupt. Try restarting

I haven’t had much time to dig into it, but wanted to get a report out.


I’m getting the same error as Josh here. I’ve tried changing and saving my configuration in ESP3D but it keeps reverting to different values and horizontal orientation instead of my vertical. Also have tried opening the maslow.yaml file in Notepad, changing the values and refreshing in ESP3D but the same error comes up.

LOL, we didn’t look at the file date and just 1 hour ago uploaded the firmware and were stuck trying to figure out what happened to maslow.local and why the maslow ssid wasn’t showing.
Once I got home in the comfort of my Linux machine it was quickly obvious things moved to fluidnc and fluidnc.local.


If it keeps reverting it implies that the ESP32 is repeatedly throwing an ESP_RST_PANIC, or it is having problems reading your maslow.yaml file, after which it will fall back to defaults, which includes things like horizontal orientation.

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it’s rebooting - error:152 - Configuration is invalid. Maslow.yaml file may be corrupt. Try restarting

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So that’s one of a handful of error messages that we pass through to the Web interface for it to provide more info. Here’s the actual code that does that:

  if (msg.startsWith('error:')) {
    const msgExtra = {
      "8": " - Command requires idle state. Unlock machine?",
      "152": " - Configuration is invalid. Maslow.yaml file may be corrupt. Try restarting",
      "153": " - Configuration is invalid. ESP32 probably did a panic reset. Config changes cannot be saved. Try restarting",

    msg += msgExtra[msg.split(":")[1]] || "";

Checking back into the server side code, that is this little statement Error::ConfigurationInvalid

Which is tested for all over the place in different ways, but there’s only really 3 causes:

  1. The maslow.yaml file couldn’t be parsed for some reason - so yeah, it is corrupt.
  2. The ESP32 threw an ESP_RST_PANIC, so now you are running on the default values. For this the error 153 should have already shown up somewhere in the logs, and now this 152 is just a consequence of that.
  3. The system (FluidNC code mostly) is in a State::ConfigAlarm state - this is usually caused by the failure to parse the yaml file, but there can be other reasons.

So first thing to check is whether your maslow.yaml file is present, and that it is not corrupt in some way.


Thank you for the breakdown md8n.

My first thought was that the file was saved in a OneDrive folder, so I saved it locally and tried again to no avail. I also tried the .yaml file from 0.77 and 0.76 and both of these returned the same error message.

Any thoughts? Attached is the culprit.

maslow.yaml (3.3 KB)

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The original update was done on a Windows machine, I just downloaded the maslow.ymal file from github and loaded it along with index.html.gz and I don’t see the error in the Serial console window any more.
It’s still blinking 9 9 9 9 9

Never mind, I tried to do a retract all and got a maslow.yaml error.

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Can’t login, with wi-fi off it comes up with FluidNC. Message can’t connect.

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I tried to revert to v0.77 of firmware.bin but now see no ssid exposed(maslow nor fluidnc) nor do I see the ESP32 on my WAP. Depowered and restarted and counted the IP address and I get a white page forever loading.

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I got it to work again.
Turn off your Wi-fi,
Power reset M4
Connect to wi-fi FluidNC password 12345678 on PC
login via fluidnc.local on web browser
Change Config/filename to maslow.yaml
AP/SSID to maslow
and hostname to maslow

Hope this helps

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Where were you able to change the config filename? When I go to the fluidnc tab I see this and can’t find anywhere to configure properties anymore. (I still have it connected to my home wifi and didn’t yet try the local fluidnc ssid.)


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FYI, Mine is just blinking 9 9 9 9 9 9 in blue. I don’t see fluidnc ssid and I don’t see fluidnc on my pihole dhcp server so it did not connect to my network either.

I know one way out is to connect it to usb and run the .bat file for the previous release for those of you with windows.

I will probably take it down tomorrow and get it reset with my platformio via usb. Watching this thread for more…

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I think that we’re missing a configuration file in there somewhere which is resenting things like the wifi network being fluidnc and the host name being fluidnc.local, I think that it also probably reset the name of the config file so instead of looking for maslow.yaml it’s looking for something else which is why that error is popping up.

I will track down which config file we’re missing and fix that right now! My mistake!

the default file was fluidnc.yaml try renaming maslow.yaml to fluidnc.yaml

David Lang

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I should have a fix in the next hour or two

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0.78.1 should fix the issues that we are seeing with 0.78, we’ll do some more testing to confirm that is in fact true and the issues are fixed, but if they are how should we handle it?

Should we:

A) Replace the version of 0.78 which is on github with 0.78.1 with the fixes
B) Release a 0.78.1 on GitHub so 0.78 is still there, but the latest version is the updated and fixed one or
C) Just add a note to 0.78 that it has issues and point to the updated version here on the forums?

Bar wrote:

A) Replace the version of 0.78 which is on github with 0.78.1 with the fixes
B) Release a 0.78.1 on GitHub so 0.78 is still there, but the latest version is the updated and fixed one or
C) Just add a note to 0.78 that it has issues and point to the updated version here on the forums?

we should do B.

Doing A just leads to confusion as people don’t know what version of 0.78 they
have without checking checksums of date/time of download

C requires that people read notes and then go elsewhere to get the fix.

B puts the fix at the same place people are used to going for releases and makes
it obvious which version they have

David Lang


My opinion is that B is the most accurate representation of events.
Anyone that might have installed 0.78 and is having issues, will clearly see a new version is available.