Vacuum attachment recall: BL belt interference

I had issues with the BL belt hitting the vacuum attachment during calibration since the Z is bottomed all the way out, and just realized this is also what’s causing some major issues when cutting on the left side of the frame. Fortunately I caught it super early before destroying this fresh sheet of plywood!

Took some pictures of the issue with the Z axis bottomed out, and looks like we need about 4-5mm extra clearance on the vacuum attachments.

@anna or @bar Should probably pull these from the not shop until they’re fixed? Trying to fix one myself in Fusion, but running into some issues.

Massive misalignment on the dog bones and issues with this cut in the top left in general.

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Md8n has produced a new 3d print because of this issue see Alternate dust port design


Yes I did

I was actually looking at this last night which is why it was fresh in my memory, your baynet attachment is quite cool looking, would you be willing to share the step file for dust hose end

And here it is

I used this to replace my vacuum cleaner’s regular hose end. So my recommendation is to tweak the design for your gear, trying to get the internal airflow as smooth as possible

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Thanks for that

Thanks guys. I was able to drop that section of the design for enough clearance in Fusion, so I’ll likely just print this one since @md8n 's has a lot of other changes.

I feel like this is causing a lot of calibration and quality issues for users, so hopefully we can get a fix in the not shop soon. It’s hard to notice unless you’re watching the entire calibration process very closely.

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Are you sure that is what is causing the issue? It’s an easy change, but we haven’t had that issue on our machines

If you had a long-ish bit it wouldn’t impact cutting, but if you’re calibrating at Zmin, then I’m certain it’s going to hit. It’s pretty easy to test if you want to pop the bit out, drop Z all the way down, and move toward the top left of the board.

To answer your question, there are likely other factors to the quality issue in the cut I posted, but on this last cut the first hole it drilled (nearly dropping to Zmin) tweaked the board when it hit and created an oblong hole. At least I’m pretty certain that was the cause.

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Basically saw a lot of sled lift on that hole, and same when running the other cut that failed above. Happy to test any other causes of this sled lift as well. The hole above is maybe 3-4" from the left edge of the board. FWIW ran some cuts on the very edge of the right side and they came out perfect.

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I’m not sure that it could cause as big of issues as you are seeing, but it’s 100% a cause for concern and an easy opportunity to improve. I will dig deeper and see if we can do better there and how much of a difference it seems to make.

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Thanks a ton! Printing one with more clearance now, and will run the cut again this afternoon, so we’ll see :crossed_fingers:

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Thanks for testing that! That feedback is super valuable!

Running with the new vacuum attachment and a little higher up on the route bit (not much).
It cleared just fine and make a clean cut without lifting or getting screwy, but I noticed that it was reallllly close to where the notch in the vacuum attachment ends. If the Maslow were a little canted, which it often is, this would cause major belt interference. I think this is likely what happened in the top portion of the workspace resulting in the previous photo I posted with those terrible cuts.

Here you can see that the belt clears just fine in the bottom of the notch now, but it’s extremely close to where the notch ends. Think we need to account for the maslow being in the TL part of the board with Zmin and canted as far as is considered normal to ensure that the belt doesn’t hang up here.

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Here’s a top view. I actually had to rotate the machine as it was going to hit the non clearance area of the vacuum adapter. Definitely think the issue is that the notch doesn’t go in far enough to allow for the machine being canted a little bit.

It was actually overlapping more and this was while it was quickly rotating it so it wouldn’t hit.

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So the overall takeaway is that the dust collector adapter does seem to be the issue, but enlarging the notch still might not be enough to fully resolve it if the machine is rotated?

I only moved the notch down in the Z direction, but it also needs to be pushed back on the X axis to account for machine rotation. With the machine in the home position, you can physically rotate it around and see how it interferes without the trouble of removing a bit and jogging to the far left of the frame.

It certainly creates, or has the potential to create an issue with the BL belt and should be adjusted on the not shop files.

While I’m sure it caused that wonky hole, I’m also getting some lift on the sled on the left side of my work area, mostly when the Maslow is cutting upward on Y axis but it also did this jogging left on the X axis when not cutting. Only on the left 12-18" of the board really. Need to search the forums, but any quick tips or things to check would be helpful. Everything else is functioning really well.


This is very helpful troubleshooting! I am experiencing the same issue and doing this testing with my dust collector was next on my to do list. Just been short on time lately sigh

Anyways I just wanted chime in that this is not a unique circumstance and would love to get an updated file. About to buy a 3D printer in part to print accessories.

Thanks so much for the effort here!


Here’s the one I quickly modified. GL with your 3D printing journey!
Dust Hose 2.5.stl (1.0 MB)

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Seconding this comment - The not shop file does create an issue with the BL belt (as of 5 Oct 24) - I printed it today, immediately checked and I’m experiencing this clash.

I cut about 5mm from the z height in this area and the belt is clear of the dust extractor now.

Ps. Does anyone have a geometry (not mesh) file for the version with a 40mm dust port?
I can modify it in Rhino and post an updated STL for everyone.

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