Vacuum attachment recall: BL belt interference

You should be able to find the .step files for all of the parts here: Source — Maslow


Here is the 2.5" version I modified — might be easier to step the vacuum hose part down rather than create the clearance again. Modifying the fillets is a bit of a pain.
Dust Hose 2.5.stl (1.0 MB)
Dust Hose 2.5in.step (356.5 KB)


I just realized why I’m not having this issue. I accidentally installed my plexiglass shield (and therefor the vacuum attachment) upside down (facing the “top” of the workpiece).

This means that only the TR belt could interfere with the vacuum attachement, which doesn’t seem to happen as the TR spool is slightly higher…

This works for my setup (horizontal, with wiring ran overhead), but would not likely work well for a vertical setup.

What I did is swap the order of the belts for top right and bottom left and adjusted the Z offset accordingly. This stopped it hitting the vacuum port, haven’t noticed any problem since.

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Thanks Bar & Kyle,
Here are adjusted files based on @md8n’s design, with a minor tweak to the main part to remove the 2 front screw holes and with a 35mm ID / 40mm OD hose adapter (to suit Ryobi shop vac)

35-40mm Vac adapter.stl (1.5 MB)
md8n dust port.stl (1.5 MB)