Webcontrol e makerverse se dovessi usare maketverse con webcontrol, dovrei usare arduino mega e la

If i used webcontrol and makerverse, should i use arduino mega with the original shield? Will it be possible to manage the automatic zero and the rotation speed of the router? Thanks.

I’m not sure I understand. WebControl and Makerverse are two different software systems. Which one are we talking about?

I believe that they both support automatic zero and turning the router on and off, but neither one can set the router speed.

with a classic mega and the “right” shield (smokeherder) and 51.29 firmware, there is spindle speed control. With a newer beta version of webcontrol, you can set the upper and lower limits of the spindle speed, but it is only operational on a raspberry pi, since I didn’t get the windows or linux version dependencies to install correctly. @Enea, the base code is on github and you can likely make it work for your system if you want.

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Dipende dal motore, penso che M2 abbia uscite per pilotare un motore mandrino a frequenza variabile, ma sarebbe meglio chiedere a MakerMade

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Sorry, you are right. What I was intended to use is maker makers and Arduino Mega with the original shield, because in that card there were dedicated Aux deals. In the MAKERVERSE menu, there is the automatic zero command, but I do not think it is to use it with Arduino two. I was wondering, but if during the configuration of makerverse choose Maslow instead of M2, Makerverse would adapt to the old electronic cards with all their options, or would you only send the three engines to handle the ones?