WebControl Open Beta

@gero solved his problem by updating Firefox. The issue with the button was a javascript-related error that the new update fixed. I used an not-recently-updated version of Firefox on my Windows 10 machine and got the same errors as @gero had got. After updating Firefox (twice) the errors go away. @Jamtek, do you use Firefox as well?

@madgrizzle. I used Chrome, if I recall correctly the refresh updated ports list, but when I selected com3 nothing happened, it still would not connect.

Ok… then different problem… but once you imported gc.ini it instantly connected and all was good… correct?

Did you hit submit? Sorry to ask.

Hmm, you now It may have been as simple as problem behind the keyboard. :slight_smile:

Also, I should confess I’m not currently running WebControl on Windows 10. I just was curious and did a quick build in a python virtual environment to test it.

I plan on using it, with a raspberry Pi. The funny thing is i now own two, One for my 3D printer running OctoPi and the other is a NAS. Most likely I will replace the NAS with something faster and then re-image it for the Maslow.

Anyway, it’s easy enough to delete the old virtual env, rebuilt it from scratch and give the tires another kick on my Windows laptop. I will report back when I get time to do it.

Besides @madgrizzle has anyone else ventured into running WebControl in Windows 10?

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@madgrizzle I found the submit button and it connected to the arduino without a problem. It took me a minute because when I scroll on the Maslow settings page, It is not made visible. When I scroll the entire Chrome browser window the submit and close buttons become visible at the bottom of the pop up screen.

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Haven’t gotten to try it yet as I ran into some unexpected issues at the OS level. This is what I plan to try as soon as I can get it up and running.

If that fails I’ll try Jamtek’s method.

Edit: Apparently I misread the first part. Don’t think that’s gonna work and do what I intended.

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Yeah, that’s an issue with the responsiveness of the webcode. Ideally it would resize the modal when the screen is small. I thought it did that using an 80vh in css file, but apparently not. I created a GitHub issue for it… but css is a big weakness of mine.

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Just playing around in Chrome DevTools, changing to 75 or 70vh, the buttons became visible on my Window laptop display(1600x900).


My Pi3 B+ arrived today and is currently drying heat-sinks.
Will play along, but headless now :slight_smile:


I want to set this up and want to know what is needed. In addition to the Raspberry Pi, do I need the heat sinks and power supply? or can the pi be powered from the same power supply serving the Arduino shield? Is the processor load great enough to need the heat sinks?

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I’ve never tried to run webcontrol on an RPi without heatsinks, but I’d recommend them nevertheless. I just bought a RPi kit with the case, heatsinks, and power supply (had plenty of microSD cards already). I got my first off amazon but sainsmart had them on sale one time and I got an extra.

I’m not sure how the arduino’s power supply would power the RPi so I’d recommend getting a power supply for the RPi. The one I got in the kit had a little on-off switch on it that’s pretty handy.

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Speaking of on off switches. Are those using a rPi leaving them on continuously? If not, how do you shut them off (since supposedly powering down a rPi without first quitting is bad)

You halt or shutdown via a ssh terminal. Just unplugging will kill the file-system and/or the sd-card sooner or later.

ah, ok. This, when I finally get to it, will be my first headless rPi. I’ve been using one for RetroPie for a while, which has been fun.

I just fished setting my new RPi up, so i’m fresh :slight_smile: . Will be moved to the workshop and screwed to the frame tomorrow morning.


I run my maslowpi without heatsinks. The Pi3 is good about throttling it’s speed to not burn itself up, so worst case it will just run a tad slower. WebControl is pretty light on resources so they’re not necessary (but probably can’t hurt!)

Agreed with madgrizzle prob best to get a separate power supply. I recommend the CanaKit ones on Amazon

I leave mine on because I’m too lazy to ssh in and shut it down :slight_smile:

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I can work on adding a button to webmcp to shutdown the computer.


First, thank you and congratulations to all involved.

I have an old Raspberry Pi, I’m not sure what version. Is there a recommended version, or will any old RPi do?

I got it to run on a 2014 Pi2 B v1.1, but when i added a thumb-wif1 and the arduino, got a over voltage warning. But if you can run it with the Ethernet, it should be ok.

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