Welcome to the new forums!

FYI - There is a bit of stuff to play with, even without a kit (or before it arrives).

  • If you are not already solid on the CAD → CAM workflow, it’s a god time to explore your options and favours CAD-(Computer-Aided-Design) CAM-(G-code-generation)
  • If you happen to have a Arduino Mega, you can connect it to your PC without any shield or motors attached and upload a modified Firmware to run GroundControl in simulation mode. The FW mod is simple, after downloading the firmware, locate the Config.h in the folder → /Firmware-master/cnc_ctrl_v1, open it with with a text editor, uncomment the line → #define FAKE_SERVO and upload it to the Mega.
    This way you can run GroundControl without an actual machine and get a feel on how your design is placed on the plywood sheet and how it would be cut. It’s fun!
  • The time waiting for a kit to arrive, is the worst from my experience. It can be partially filled with building the frame and the sled ahead. A new recommended frame will be out shortly and is discussed here new-stock-frame-design, but you are free to come up with your own design.
  • Keep an eye open on swap-meet. You might be able to to grab a kit put up for sale.
  • Check ot the MoM (Map of Maslowians) here MoM, if you have a Maslowian neighbour nearby, it opens options for real life collaboration.

Kind regards, Gero