What did you cut today?

That looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing and I hope your transition to teaching online is as smooth as possible

Can you share the file for this?

Does this work for you?


“This project has not been shared publicly”

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I think this will work. Apologies.

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Our neighbors put up an “I love NY” sign so I felt compelled to contribute as well.


That’s fantastic! Nice work!

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Works a treat @garisonr No need for any apologies!


Thanks for sharing! I did a slight scale change to allow fitting two desks on a 2x4 sheet of ply. Here’s the files.

Lap Desk.ai (1.2 MB) Lap Desk.dxf (299.1 KB)


Made a sign for my sister’s pie business. It’s impressive the level of fine detail that can be accomplished with such a large machine. This was carved out of an oak stair tread. A couple test runs in ply first to tweak in the settings. Used dowel pins to register the stock as there is an identical cut on the other side.


That came out very nice! How did it run with the oak? What size bit, pass depth, and feed rate did you use? Haven’t tried hardwood yet and I’m curious how it ran for you.

Yeah, that looks wonderful! Nice work!

Not sexy but functional, I’m cutting tray inserts for my new toolbox.



could you share the files. An arcade cabinet is on my to cut list.

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Well sadly, when I went to use my templates, the measurements were all off. I recut the cab on my LowRider v2, and it was perfect, actually got it put together too!

I got my plans for this (as it’s an original cabinet) from classicarcadecabinets.com. But there are tons of other cabinet plans out there for multi-game setups that would be alot better than an original cab. Unless you’re building one simular to a Mortal Kombat, or a 4-player Konami

Let me know if I can help in any way!


The oak actually machined quite nicely. I used a 60 degree single flute v-bit for the engraving. I had to keep the spindle RPM maxed or it wanted to stutter-step. For the engraving, the feedrate was 20 IPM and I did a single roughing pass followed by a finishing pass stepped down 0.020". The profile was a 1/4" 2-flute upcut at 30 IPM feed and 0.25" depth. There was some burning of the wood on the profile. Probably would have been better turning the feed and speed down a bit (but it all cleaned up in sanding).

Give hardwood a try! I used a stair tread because it was the cheapest way to get 1" thick oak. I put 1" insulation foamboard around it.


Thanks, i will search for another model there.

Can you share any of the multi-game cabinet plans (gcode) that you mention and work with Maslow? I am interested in the original ones as well, however, I agree that some of the multigame cabinets are likely a better build in most cases. Thank you.

I had a feeling that program was for something like that, looks like it came out really nice! I’d love to do a similar thing for my toolbox someday soonish.

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Thanks. I am going to remake this one, I planned it as a test piece as I am getting used to CAM in Fusion. I have two more to design after I mod this one and cut it out again. I am very attached to my tool set, I have had it for 30 yrs, what you see is only a small part of it. The set came in a plastic clam shell carrier, over the years I have worn out 3 of them! This time I decided to try something more traditional.

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