Whats the First M4 Cuts?

It’s right around the corner for the First round of M4’s being shipped out. 2 and 3 not far behind. What’s everyone planning for their first Project with the M4?

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Really interested in making some cabinets and maybe some chairs. What about you?


Photo booths


Coffee table, all curves, not a straight line in sight.

Local materials here include laminated bamboo panels and recycled PET+HDPE boards (larger than a regular sheet of plywood). So I’m trying to think of ideas for them. Which will probably include toilet seats, because you cannot buy a decent toilet seat here.


Where do you live that you can’t get a decent Seat?

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Timor-Leste - If you break the one that came with the toilet bowl, you can get replacements, but the plastic they’re made from is so feeble that they won’t even withstand ‘careful usage’


First thing I’m going to cut is a cabinet to hold my little organizational suitcases.

The original design is by Alexandre Chappel

Here is my take on it.


If it gets here quick enough I’ll probably use it to make a camper conversion module for my minivan. Something like this but simpler: Chrysler Pacifica Camper conversion Kit | Freeway Camper Kit Canada

I say quick enough because I’ll be minivan-camping with my daughters in 3 weeks… If not I’ll just make it by hand, not the end of the world.


Barristers bookcases


A couple unnecessarily complicated shelves, with support boards behind and ledges on the front, that I’ve been designing in fusion360 just to practice the process, from idea to design, to CAM. They’ll hold dog training gear in my garage.


@lthomas987 That’s awesome! What type of Dog Training do you do?

What software is that …? Looking for something to do easy 2D sheet layouts

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Yes! If it’s not over-engineered or unnecessarily complicated, why even do it? :smile:


Has anyone been successfully making anything yet? Would love to see some cutting, and builds

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I would really like to make a full scale Stargate for my property and I see the M4 being part of that, but I suspect that’ll be a long term project.

Nearer term will probably be making new furniture and art for our Burning Man camp. I’m also installing a house generator, some pretty wood privacy panels for it would be nice.

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Me too! I know that there were a number of folks stuck on the calibration process, but I think that we got most everyone unstuck there. I’m hoping that we see some cutting soon. If anyone is stuck somewhere let me know and I’ll get you unstuck :grin:

I’ve just wrapped up the minivan-camper build and sadly didn’t get to use the M4 for it. All my “shop time” went towards that project, so I didn’t even get to build my frame. I did get the materials, though, so I’ll build that and start calibrating next week. Hopefully the first cuts will follow soon after!


Tracking, Agility, Obedience, I’ve got a retired (don’t tell him thought) bird dog who did some hunt tests stuff, and recently we’ve taken up scent hurdles despite there being no teams in the States.

Curious to bump this thread at all.

So far I have not seen any cuts on the M4. Anyone get it to work?


My first cut… birthday card for my nephew… :slight_smile: didn’t set de z axis so it went from point 0 right over the cutting area… still learning…