WiFi but no Internet

I have connected to Maslow wifi, but it shows no Internet. I have rebooted the router, but no results

When the wifi of the maslow is used, you will not be connected to the internet on that device. The maslow is basically giving you an isolated network to talk to it only.

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Yes, if you connect directly to Maslow’s own wifi network, your computer will tell you that you don’t have Internet access (because your Maslow is not an internet gateway). You should still be able to connect to Maslow.local to control the machine.

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Have you a little motor noise? I’ve the same things on minde and need to reinstall “Full_Install.bat” with usb port on my computer
1 : Download and extract last Firmware release (Releases · BarbourSmith/FluidNC · GitHub)
2 : Connect usb C on your computer
3 : Install “Full_Install.bat”
4 : Restart your M4
Working for me