How to steps
#1. print bracket for your router. if you do not have 3d printer use to print locally, pretty much anywhere in usa. make sure design has a space to insert a weld nut, heatset nut or similar to clamp down on router. I have the stl design files if you need them.
#2. attach above bracket to Cbeam gantry plate using M5 screws
#3 insert router into assembly and center bit on your sled
#4 trace around bottom of the c-beam and mark where 4 holes go
#5 drill 4 holes and insert M5 screws from bottom of sled to mount the C-beam to top of sled.
#6 add a couple of 4080 corner brackets for support behind the C-beam.
#7 add z axismotor to top with 3d printed bracket in community garden or using pully/belts, etc.
#8 open up software and adjust for new z axis motor. There is a thread that goes into more detail about there Here: Z-Axis Motor Specs
recommended to buy a coiled extention cord and attach the 6 wire motor control cable to it. The current way the router cable and z axis cable just dangle can lead to snags.