15mm error while running code

So… confirmed. I downgraded with the following process:

  1. took down maslow from frame.
  2. Saved off my calibration numbers.
  3. uploaded 0.64 firmware, index.html.gz, and maslow.yaml (after entering my frame points)
  4. power off/on.
  5. verified Z machine zero looked reasonable (fluid tab, zm): it did NOT look right so I floored Z, powered off / on. saw that zm = 0, then moved z up and put in a bit.
  6. retract /extend / hang/ apply tension/ jog around. (see note 1 below).
  7. Tried @dlang 's manual calibration page and looked at the numbers from manual measuring vs my old calibration and decided to use dlang’s numbers (they were only a few mm off from what I had).
  8. power off / “re-hang dance”.
  9. jog around (see note 2)
  10. set workpiece home x/y
  11. loaded my laundry sign gcode
  12. set z home for job and
  13. CUT! (vacuum on, router on, bit in, LETS DO THIS!)
  14. SuCCESSSSSS! I can’t tell you how happy this makes me for two reasons:
    1. The obvious one that my wife will now be happy (after some sanding and painting and mounting :smile_cat: )
    2. It is almost certainly software (firmware), and we can figure this out!

Note 1: when jogging this time, the belts were TIGHT. I was afraid to run a job, so thought I’d either calibrate or try dlang’s calculator. Given how I remember calibration was back in this version I opted for the manual one and measured as best I could, got my numbers and proceeded.
Note 2: When jogging this time, the belts were tight but not as much and it “felt right” so I sent it. The belts felt significantly tighter (in a good way) than with current firmware, so I’m not sure what that might be other than the threshold that this firmware uses is better than what I had set