So… confirmed. I downgraded with the following process:
- took down maslow from frame.
- Saved off my calibration numbers.
- uploaded 0.64 firmware, index.html.gz, and maslow.yaml (after entering my frame points)
- power off/on.
- verified Z machine zero looked reasonable (fluid tab, zm): it did NOT look right so I floored Z, powered off / on. saw that zm = 0, then moved z up and put in a bit.
- retract /extend / hang/ apply tension/ jog around. (see note 1 below).
- Tried @dlang 's manual calibration page and looked at the numbers from manual measuring vs my old calibration and decided to use dlang’s numbers (they were only a few mm off from what I had).
- power off / “re-hang dance”.
- jog around (see note 2)
- set workpiece home x/y
- loaded my laundry sign gcode
- set z home for job and
- CUT! (vacuum on, router on, bit in, LETS DO THIS!)
- SuCCESSSSSS! I can’t tell you how happy this makes me for two reasons:
1. The obvious one that my wife will now be happy (after some sanding and painting and mounting)
2. It is almost certainly software (firmware), and we can figure this out!
Note 1: when jogging this time, the belts were TIGHT. I was afraid to run a job, so thought I’d either calibrate or try dlang’s calculator. Given how I remember calibration was back in this version I opted for the manual one and measured as best I could, got my numbers and proceeded.
Note 2: When jogging this time, the belts were tight but not as much and it “felt right” so I sent it. The belts felt significantly tighter (in a good way) than with current firmware, so I’m not sure what that might be other than the threshold that this firmware uses is better than what I had set