15mm error while running code

This is on the top of my todo list. I’ve got a boat load of emails to get through and then I’m jumping into tracking down this issue more.

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One thing I’ve been seeing is after I apply tension to the cords I try to jog the machine the bottom 2 belts loosen immediately and never get back to the same tension they were before. not sure if this could be causing the issue or not though.
ill try to get a recording of it

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I’ve tried recalibrating and it doesn’t help. Most of my previous attempts weren’t as bad as this one but it seems to happen almost every time I jog it in any direction after I apply tension

Apply tension just temporarily pulls the belts tight to take a measurement so that makes that as soon as you start to jog they will loosen back up.

Increasing the force that the belts pull tight with during the calibration process could help with that. I increased the default option to 1500 a couple weeks back which made a big difference for me.

I think that’s an unrelated thing to the 15mm error while running though

I see this same behavior. I just make sure to use apply tension again before cutting.

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I hadn’t thought of pressing it twice I’ll give that a shot

This seems like a ton of play in the belts. In my opinion it makes it work similar the the makermade M2 but without the weights so even worse

That is way more than I see happen, just to be clear. I only see that much if it panics and ‘relaxes’ all the belts.

it usually wasn’t this bad but now every time it does this and if I press the apply tension button again then it just causes the emergency stop to go off immediately when I try to run the gcode file.

@bar any clues what could stop this from happening?

I think that this is the first thing that we need to solve. It shouldn’t be like that at all.

That seems like a calibration issue to me. How did calibration go?

Calibration went great, I can’t remember exactly but it seems like it was less than .7 fitness

I’ll try it a third time since I have nothing else to do

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Try increasing the tension used to take the measurements during the calibration process, I think that should help

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Can you elaborate on what the tension number means?
And any guidelines on what values I should try for calibration?

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It’s pretty much an arbitrary number corresponding to how hard the machine pulls before it declares that a belt is “tight”. If you haven’t updated your maslow.yaml file in a while it’s probably set to 1300, but I changed the default to 1500 a few weeks back so I would start there.

You can go higher than that, but I’ve run into issues with it pulling too hard too so harder isn’t always better.

So I was thinking about this issue today. Would it be useful for us (future idea) to have the initial calibration walk through pulling each belt at low->high values until the user confirms the belt goes in all the way, then set that value? I have noticed it can actually be different thresholds on different arms and that it might go down over time…


Ron Lawrence wrote:

So I was thinking about this issue today. Would it be useful for us (future
idea) to have the initial calibration walk through pulling each belt at
low->high values until the user confirms the belt goes in all the way, then
set that value? I have noticed it can actually be different thresholds on
different arms and that it might go down over time…

having the initial calibration do this, and also test for frame flex seems like
a good idea

something like a ‘test force limits’ that tests for min force required to
reliably retract and max force beyond which the frame flexes ‘too much’??

David Lang


I recalibrated and had the same issue but then I did it again without the dust hose connected and that seemed to get it nearly perfect. Now I’m trying to do it with the current threshold set to 1600 to see if i can get the last little bit of give out of it.


that seemed to take care of the slack issue but I’ve still got the issue where it shuts off due to a >15mm issue. It still occurs whether I’m using a dust collector or not. I’m also on the most current software version .75 I believe. The Index.html file is showing as version .71 however. is that the most current version?

Got past my Z axis problem and got good tension/jogging, so I decided to go for it. Running my job, I am also encountering the >15mm issue still after a few minutes of cutting. Latest firmware binary/index/maslow.yaml (with my calibration values):

Maslow-serial-15mm-issue.log (17.5 KB)

When it stopped all seemed fine and the belts seemed correctly tensioned.

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