15mm error while running code

Darn, I was hoping we had that one figured out. Hmmm

Is this with the vacuum attached?

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Yes, vacuum was running. I was careful not to try to disconnect it or even touch it really… I just let it run. I’m going to see if I can find a stranded grounding wire that can be wrapped around my hose and connected to the earth ground to see if that makes any difference. I can also order an anti-static hose, but I’ll have to research that a bit.

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Me too, the dust hose was not connected. I could try it with it connected if you’d like

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I also was wondering about material. I am cutting mdf, and the humidity is low here.


zack wrote:

I’m also on the most current software version .75 I believe.
The Index.html file is showing as version .71 however. is that the most
current version?

No, they should both match. There have been times when @Bar has forgotten to
bump the version number on the Index file, but I don’t think he’s forgotten
for 4 releases in a row :slight_smile:

David Lang

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No that’s OK, I don’t think that adding it will help, but I thought that having it there might be causing the issue so if it was connected it could be worth disconnecting

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Yep, and mine are (clicking “test” button and looking in serial log):

Index.html Version: 0.75
[MSG:INFO: Firmware Version: 0.75]

interesting. I just tried to update mine and its still saying .71

never mind, I got it to update


I’m cutting 3/4" MDF 22% Humidity

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Other end attached to house ground.

Still failed, still bottom-right, still tension seemed fine:
Maslow-serial-15mm-issue-2.log (25.3 KB)

Someday I’ll get this laundry sign done… someday :slight_smile:


your getting a lot further than I am! that looks awesome.
what program are you using to create the g code?

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I have settled on inkscape to draw my svgs, then krabzcam to define the cuts (KrabzCAM) very simple to do profiles and tabs and after learning the keys I can whip one out pretty quick.

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Okay, I’ve been using Vcarve. I was hoping it was just an issue with this specific program somehow but doesn’t seem like it

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I would try grounding the chassis of the router and also to the M4 mainboard and reruning your jobs.

Also, anyone have ideas on how to test if the belts are slipping instead of gripping the magnet shaft or know if that is a potential cause of this error?

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gazinux wrote:

Also, anyone have ideas on how to test if the belts are slipping instead of
gripping the magnet shaft or know if that is a potential cause of this error?

If it is assembled correctly (i.e. the magnet is in the right place and glued so
it doesn’t slip) it’s the toothed side of the belt against the teeth of the
magnet shaft.

We have had some people who didn’t glue the magnet well, and who put the magnet
in the wrong place who’s machines seemed to work a bit but not reliably

David Lang

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I am referring to the belt slipping not the magnet. reconsider the assumption that the belt movement is perfectly tracking the rotational advance of the magnetic shaft for every belt tooth and assume it slips for some people at times --how would the software handle that and can we test that assumption?

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I’m pretty confident that the belts don’t slip, but if they did we would see that manifest as inaccurate parts, not as this error message because the machine wouldn’t know about the slip. This error pops up because the machine knows something is wrong.

Would anyone who is able to make this 15mm error happen be willing to do “Retract All” afterwards and report what the offsets are? I think that would tell us a lot maybe

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My problem is that my dry runs (i.e. no cost) all work fine, and I’m almost out of scraps I can use… That said, I may try just creating random back and forth shallow cut gcode see if I can trigger it again. I think at this point in my laundry sign, if I do it again it will probably get through it. it seems to happen only during cuts and this job is almost “done”. I’ll give it a shot and capture the retract numbers if it fails.

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So I went out to start over and realized I left it sitting there from the last fail unretracted:

Maslow-serial (retractall).log (2.8 KB)


[MSG:INFO: Retracting all belts]
[MSG:INFO: Top Left pulled tight with offset -1438.839]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Left pulled tight with offset -1517.095]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Right pulled tight with offset -1848.378]
[MSG:INFO: Top Right pulled tight with offset -1776.242]

I’ll go give it a shot at finishing and see if I get the error again and capture all logs before/after/always…

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Mine is doing the same thing. I restart the cut and it goes about 1-2 minutes longer each time because it isn’t cutting what has already been cut

I’m getting an antistatic hose today I’ll update if that changes anything

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