I am using Aspire to design, preview and generate my Gcode… I am trying to figure out the right Post Processor to output my gcode in. I am currently outputting it in the “Intelicam Gcode (mm).nc” format. However… I am playing around with the feed rates and am not seeing a difference in speed.
Does anyone know what Gcode Post Processor works best when outputting from Aspire? This is driving me crazy.
Thank you, I see 2 options for GRBL,… Inch and MM… can I use either (whatever I set Ground Control to)?
as per feed rates… do you know that fastest rates that are supported? I also have the rigid z-axis right now.
I was trying all feed rates from 30-80 inches/min… and it didn’t seem to change during operation. (for the x/y operation, I know the z is extremely limited).
Thank you, I see 2 options for GRBL,… Inch and MM… can I use either (whatever I set Ground Control to)?
you can use either, it should set the maslow to the right mode at the top of the
as per feed rates… do you know that fastest rates that are supported? I also have the rigid z-axis right now.
I was trying all feed rates from 30-80 inches/min… and it didn’t seem to change during operation. (for the x/y operation, I know the z is extremely limited).
theoreticlly, the maslow can move up to 48 ipm, but since we don’t have
acceleration planning, it’s unreliable at that speed, by default GC sets the max
to about 30 ipm (it’s in mm, look in the settings) and it’s not uncommon to have
to go even slower.
We just had a go at this last night. One of our guys uses Aspire to cut signs on a CNC router. We set up a simple sign carving job and exported it as grbl (mm). We didn’t set any feed rates as I expected the Maslow to limit the feed rate if it was set too high.
The job was very slow, probably because the Z-axis motor is quite slow, but it worked, and looked really good. I am continually impressed with what Maslow can do.