I ran the triangular calibration and all the marks are placed as expected, except that they are about 3 inches left of being centered. And they are a bit skewed to the diagonal in the clockwise direction. For example, when I place the tape measure to measure the horizontal distance from the left mark to the right mark, the tape measure is not horizontal, but slopes down from the left mark to the right.
I entered the measurements as directed, and ran the calibration again, and it moved another 3 inches to the left, and became even more skewed to the clockwise direction. I ran the calibration a third time, and it did the same, so that the left most mark is very near the left edge of the plywood worksurface, and the skewed angle is even worse. After the third try, the right marks were about 2 inches lower than the left marks. My assumption is that the left and right marks should be even.
I think I am not understanding the triangular calibration process very well, or I simply have some wrong settings. I would appreciate it if someone could provide some insight to what is going wrong.
I am not sure which of the settings to post that might help the smart people diagnose the problem, so my apologies if I have not provided enough information.
I have set up the Maslow according to the instructions. The initial setup was done in GroundControl, then the ini file was imported to WebControl. My frame is a bit smaller than standard due to space issues. The details are at the end of this post.
I should also note that at one point I had it working correctly, except that it was obviously a bit off on the calibration, since my cuts were not lining up exactly. Which is when I decided to recalibrate, and ran into this problem.
Purchased Maslow Complete Kit from East Bay Source
Windows OS
Arduino mega 2560 r3
TB6643 control board
WebControl Version v0.94 License V3
Final Build
Z-Axis Installed
Metal Ring System
Any help is greatly appreciated. This is my third week of trying to get this right, and my wife really wants me to be working on other things! Does anyone have statics on Maslow related divorce? haha