Double check Maslow version number

What is the recommended way to double-check you are running the version number you think you are? I tried upgrading to v0.69, restarted and I still observed the “console would stop displaying new messages after the calibration” issue from v0.68. I also checked the version from hovering over the hamburger button and it still said v0.68. To triple check from the local files page I downloaded and searched the index.html file to find “versionNumber=.69;”

What should I trust for the index.html version and what should I check for the firmware version?

I don’t know what changed I opened a new browser instance and now the calibration results have cleared from the log and I can see the test results (from the test button). The test results have the version number for both index and firmware.


I am having this issue too. not sure what is happening with the version numbers. I don’t get one in the serial output. Maybe I’ll try building / flashing it from source and see what I end up with.

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Yea, I refreshed / reloaded cleared cache, restarted maslow a few times, cleared alarms, etc and now I get what I expect. I think the menu in the upper right is not updating right, as I also get 0.68 there.

Index.html Version: 0.69
[MSG:INFO: Firmware Version: 0.69]
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