Edge calibration yields no improvement

Probably my twentieth? or thirtieth run through calibration. This one was caused by the machine having absolutely no idea where it was located in space. I could not get calibration to run because the coordinates were so far off.
Makerverse refused to zero out anything, so my best idea was to just delete the workspace and start over. When I get to edge calibration, its wayyyyyy off, particularly in upper left and lower right corners. I re-ran edge again and again, 7 or 8 times in total today and it’s stuck at around 53mm accuracy, far too bad to be of any use. And it won’t improve, and when I go back to double-check all the numbers I have entered i.e. for motor width, I am surprised to find that the numbers are slightly different from what I put in. My motor width was 3025, but somehow it is stuck at 3005 no many how many times I change it and apply settings. Same for height and who knows what else. This, and the fact that successive rounds of edge calibration haven’t improved anything make me think that it is incapable of saving any data. When I apply settings, maybe nothing is happening? Any ideas?
I’m literally at the end of my rope with this machine. It is just not useful. The only thing I have ever got it to do was cut out 3 simple wooden digits, and even those it didn’t cut in the right part of the workspace. I have pumped what feels like hundreds of hours into calibrating, recalibrating, checking the frame, etc etc etc and nothing. What a waste. I hope someone has a simple answer, or I’m done.

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Want to try my due controller? I have one and I don’ t use it. Maybe you can use your shield and a different controller? Message me direct and we can work something out.

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maybe try the newer control software that was just posted in this other thread:

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One thing you might try is wiping your controller eeprom and calibrating it one last time… just to see. I don’t recall the console command you type for that, but I’ve posted it on this board several times and it has worked before. At least your controller is still communicating. There was a batch that had corrupt bootloaders or a bad cap or circuit problem that would communicate random garbage and yet sometimes function, so it is nice that doesn’t seem to be the issue here.

I’m going to try my controller with the newer due software and see how that goes.

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Definitely will do. Hope it’s stable.