"Extend All" not working

I haven’t used the Maslow for a couple of weeks and wanted to run a quick cut. I upgraded to 0.75 (Release v0.75 · BarbourSmith/FluidNC · GitHub; reporting 0.74). I’m consistently getting an issue where I can’t extend the belts. I’ve tried 4 times and now looking for some help. The serial log is attached but nothing really of use.

Video link to show the behaviour at https://photos.app.goo.gl/qiaomFZvakMWH7KT8.

Any guidance appreciated.


Maslow-serial (1).log (1.8 KB)

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Didn’t make any progress so reimagined back to 0.71 and three of the belts started to extend. The bottom left is still problematic.

Is there a log that I could look at to see is there is a sensor issue, etc.?

[EDIT - It look like my issue has a name “Push to Extend”. Will monitor the thread at Push to extend bug? - #87 by Carson_Barry

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