First successful project: parametric stacking storage crate

Finally nailed the first project I was working on! I’m learning Fusion as well as CNC and thought a little storage crate would help me learn most of what I need in this hobby:

  • Creating a parametric design
  • Creating multiple types of joints in wood
  • Workflow from design to manufacture
  • Learning different toolpaths and CAM settings
  • Getting fitment and clearance feedback on joints

Took a few tries, but this one worked great! Was very strong with just a friction fit on the box joints, but I popped some stapes in just for good measure. My ultimate goal is to create cabinets with the Maslow, and this design tested most of what I need in a small and useful way. Really stoked on the results. Thanks for all the help guys.


This looks stunning! Nice work! :heart_eyes:

It’s especially fun to see a Timelapse of someone else’s machine in action.

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That looks great! What type of bit, RPM, speed and feedrate did you use?

Also I ran 4 different tool paths: drill for the dogbones, 2D pocket for the dado slots, 2D pocket for the inner loops, and finally a 2D pocket for the outer loops with support tabs.

Going to experiment with running the machine faster since it had no problem with the 1/4" pass. Hope that helps!