I'm beyond frustrated

A direct connection to the Maslow? I wasn’t aware you could do that…

Sorry, I thought you meant a wired connection. I am connecting directly to the “Maslow” network if that’s what you’re asking.

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Just wanted to be sure.

I’ve seen said that you can connect via the USB, but it sound like it’s not reliable yet.

Is your pc set to autoconnect to any other network?

No, I clicked “forget this network” on all but the Maslow.

maybe your circuit board got damaged in transit?

Hi Jason, sorry you have to go through this, this must be very frustrating.
From what I gathered,

  1. You updated firmware and index.html to the latest version.
  2. Calibration worked fine, and jogging works fine as well.
  3. When you press play on the file, wifi connection goes down.

What seems to be happening is your machine goes into reset, because the code crashes somewhere when trying to run a file.

I’d first make sure you definitely have the latest firmware, you should see your firmware version if you press a “test” button. Also, can you check if the power to the board goes down for a second when you press play. Would help to know if it’s definitely chip resetting itself, or it’s some power issue that turns it off.

What would really help though, if you could connect to the machine via USB and read it’s COM port data. It prints a lot of useful stuff there when in crashes. Any chance you know how to do that?

Thank you for the reply. I don’t know how to read the com data, but if you could point me in the right direction, I will figure it out. Thank you!

Hello, i too have issues with the maslow staying connected. Especially when comnected.to tha “maslow” local AP wifi. Bar had a good idea which helped some. He said sometimes the wifi will switch when it does not have internet lookong for the internet. For windows i found a registry entry that will stop that from happening.

Add a registry value to the following key:

Registry location in regedit console in windows

Name: NoActiveProbe
Type: DWORD (32bit)
Value: 1

This took the disconnects down from disconnecting every couple minutes to sometimes. Ia still working out issues myself. Unfortunately i havent made it to thr piint where i can add a router bit and try a file. It fails at somepoint before that each time.

I hope this helps a little.



I think that I’ve lost track of what the issue that we are working to solve is. Are you still seeing this behavior?

Sorry by to be a hassle. The main issue now is the WiFi disconnecting when I press play.

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Not at all! I’m sorry I haven’t had a better answer for you. That is a super weird issue. I haven’t seen anything like that at all.

If you move around with the arrow buttons does everything seem normal?

Can you start and stop the router without hitting the play button. Could be a “brown out” if it is trying to spin up the router and cannot get enough juice.