Ive got an issue with the machine, it has a blinking red light and won’t allow me to release tension so I can re-set the position(retract/extend/tension)
This all started with the machine freezing during a cut, I have been running the machine a mix off my computer and my phone, both over wifi. I have been doing all the file stuff at the computer then taking over with my phone, I don’t know if this is part of the issue, but it has prevented me from getting a copy of any error messages as both reload as soon as I try to connect.
Either way, I have not been able to complete the cut, I will attach the first .nc file and the one I’m now using, only to prevent repeat cutting. Ive also got the save codes for the start up.
I have tried reloading all the software(firmware and both other files) then re-starting, sometimes this results in the weird middle loading screen I get when I try to connect and the machine is doing something. When this happens I have to re-start the machine. Maslow-serial-2.log (1.6 KB) Maslow-serial.log (1.5 KB) part-6.nc (59.0 KB) part-5.nc (124.9 KB)
Usually you can reload the interface (refresh the browser) then see if the “alarm” is triggered and reset it, then release tension should work. If not, you have to unplug / turn off maslow and when it comes back up it should allow this.
Yes, right now after I give the release tension command is gives me a medium level response, I don’t remember what it is. After that I have to power it down to reconnect. Otherwise I get the connection comm screen. I’ll get a screen shot here in a bit so you can see.
If you get a blinking red light on boot up, that sounds to me like the issue is that the controller board isn’t able to find a connection to one of the motors or encoders…but that shouldn’t prevent you from being able to connect normally
Weird, I just tried to replicate that and release tension works for me under those circumstances (I wasn’t sure if it would work right away on boot up).
Are you able to disconnect the belts without it? Does Retract All work normally?
I checked the cables and both left have 2 lights on the motor side, while the right only have 1 light. all 4 cat5 connections on the board only have 1 light.
Apparently unplugging them and plugging back in fixed the connection issue.
This whole process left me with a couple other questions though.
Is there a way to stop a cut in the middle and not have to re-start the machine. It seems that the stop button issues an emergency stop that resulted in a message that said something like “the machine must be powered off before movement is allowed.”
I seem to remember a way to start the cut in the middle of the g-code. is this still possible?