Increasing the Max Feedrate?

How does one edit the firmware file before uploading it? I am assuming changing ground control speed only is not enough?

When I was messing with it, I changed the variable in the Arduino IDE. Once I had made that change, I uploaded the new settings.

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I will say 2 things, First you can’t get 5 A per motor with a 5A power supply. Second 5A doesn’t mean 5A. Motor controller chips are not Linear, they don’t work the way you think. If you want to run this way you will, A need a perfect implementation of the control chip, B a much bigger power supply, C different cables. Condition A is non existent.

One other thing - The Maslow is an affordable CNC, this is engineering the “Affordable” out of the design. Why not just buy a Laguna at that point?

I hope this is helpful

Thank you

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Yes I realize you need a bigger power supply 3.9A x 2 plus maybe 1amp for z axis is 9A so 10A power supply would theoretically work.
At what amperage does motor supply become difficult? Stock motors are 1.5A. Would 2A motor draw be doable? Maybe even 3a? None of the motors discussed are 5a, so that is not even being considered.
The motors being discussed are $25 which is $10 more than the stock motors which cost $15. it is still affordable IMHO.
Will probabaly just order some 13T gears and play with that first, Probabaly putting the horse before the cart by discussing bigger motors.


Any results with 13T gears yet?
I still believe that for certain niche cases (such as cutting foam) higher tooth gears are an easy and perfectly viable option.