Kids tree table with animal chairs

EDIT: Fusion files are here Animal Chairs v8.rar (3.9 MB)
In another topic there was some talk about collaborating on these models, and to not pollute the other topic too much, this seems like a good thing to learn designing a bit.

@Sharpsburg_Woodworke allready did the girraffe, i’ve started on the elephant.

here are some jpgs that i found that might be easy to copy into sketchup or whatever

Anyone want to design the rest of the African Big 5 (still missing the lion, leopard and the Cape buffalo)

You can buy the model for $60, but they say they are not affiliated with the original designers, so they basically copied someone else’s design and are now asking way too much for it. If they designed it themselves i’d be fine with it, but not like this.


Those pictures will be great. I had to find an image close to the idea. Then I cut off the tail and I redid the giraffe’s head. I put it into Photoshop and made it wider for better legs.
I planned on tilting the back a little, but when I tried to rotate the increments were way off. I may just completely redo the giraffe with the images you provided.
As far as dimensions, the seat is 10 inches from the floor and 11 inches wide. I did 3/8 tenons that would work for 1/2 or 3/4 inch plywood. The back needs to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 7 to 9 inches. These are basic dimensions for a small chair.

Finally got around to making the elephant, the only picture i found was the one above, and the only way i found to put it in a straight perspective were some elaborate projections, which is why i made it in autocad. It’s the one i know the most about for relatively complex stuff.
Next i’m gonna try to figure out how to get this into a format where i can make it ready for the maslow.

Olifant projectie.dwg (42.8 KB)


I can get it to an image, but turning it into a vector is a little more difficult.

Turning them into a vector is always manual, if you could already reshape the jpegs, that would be a great help.

This is what I had done originally.


Just did the gorilla. These are the steps I take… I upload it to photoshop and convert to grayscale. Then rotate the image so that the feet line up at the bottom. I then skew the image to bring it back to proportion. I load the image into an editor and delete as much as I can around the outline. I take the picture to this page: and then I play with the settings until I get a good outline. I take it back to ms paint and tidy up the edges and delete anything outside of the outline. I then go back to that page and edit the image again until I get the image below. I go back to ms paint and edit one last time. Here is the Gorilla.

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Take a look at Inkscape - it will turn pixel art into vectors, and export SVG as well…

That rhino was a pain in my tail. Here is the rhino. Rhino


Here is the last picture.


I did the best that I could with editing those. Can you take it to the next step and convert them into vectors. Also, do you have a better picture of the tree table?

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Appearantly, concerning graphic design, i’m like my mum with everything else on the computer, i always get it done, but never the optimal way. I was just tracing it in sketchup, which made it kinda cornery, and it snapped to where sketchup wanted to all the time.
Appearantly, as @blurfl said, you just import your images in inkscape, paths → trace bitmap → select colors an set it to 2 voila, instant vector. I expect to be learning a lot of stuff like this the comming months :slight_smile:


the image editor GIMP has this functionality built in. I do a lot of my image editing in GIMP prior to making them into SVGs. My workflow is usually to take the image, desaturate it (or posterize it to just a couple colors if I am doing a multiple color vinyl cutting), use the Threshold command to get it to a BW image, then save it as a bitmap to take into Inkscape to trace into an SVG.

GIMP is a pretty powerful program, and it is free!


I guess that I have not had a lot of success with gimp. I can get an image outlined but I always end up with a 3 pixel line. In order for it to do well on the cnc, it needs to be a 1 pixel line. I guess I need a lot of help with gimp.

Ah, for changing the linewidth I use Inkscape. Once it is converted to a SVG then you can play around with the stroke width. And when tracing the BMP sometimes you get double lines (one on either side of a 3 pixel line) but you can just delete the one you don’t want. I’ve run into that issue a few times and it is frustrating, but certainly able to be overcome.

It’s been a few years since I’ve used potrace in Inkscape, but at the time it took a lot of post-conversion editing. Couldn’t find a free raster to vector convertor that didn’t require a lot of work to make CNCable results.

Has anybody found one that works well?

Here is the base of the tree. I am not sure if I made the proportions right. The image can be skewed to get the right proportions. I’ll post both of the images (blacked out and outline) if you need to stretch out to better proportions.TreeblackTree


I’ll admit I didn’t go past making a vector image from the bitmap.

I finished the table top but it is rough. You can give more contours to make the edges softer.

GIMP is my favourite! There is a procedure of blurring and sharpening that can make those pointy noses go away, but can’t find it right now.