MakerCAM Plugin?

Hi, I just bought a Maslow, from Maker Made. It won’t be shipped for a few weeks.
i installed ground control. I am new to Linux, it took some figuring out. :blush:

Now, the next part; how do I run MakerCAM? I get a plugin error when I go to their page. What plugin am i missing? I’m using Chromium. Thanks.
P.S. Is there desktop software I could use instead?

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It’s built on Flash… so you’ll need to have that installed to run it.

Welcome to the Forum.
What Linux are you using?

FreeCAD is is a full CAD/CAM program that runs on Linux. Requires to watch a few video tutorials to get started.
Makercam can also be run local, the link and tip to get it work are here Advice for Metric use of MakerCam, still flash has to be installed AND enabled:

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