Maslow 4 - The next generation of Maslow

you need to close that window that is popping up trying to get through the
captive portal that it thinks exists and then open a normal browser.

The URL in the image you are showing shows that this is not a normal browser,
but instead a limited captive portal popup.

David Lang

But why at the beginning I was always able to connect and make updates, and now all of a sudden I can no longer connect despite using 4-5 different devices? I find it strange. Last time, I was only able to load one update file, nor is there one missing yet. I wouldn’t want it to depend on that.

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Is the maslow acting as an access point? or did you connect it to your home

David Lang

Maybe the easiest fix is to factory reset everything back to the original settings.

Do you have a windows computer and a USB cable that we could connect to the machine?

I don’t have WiFi at home, I’ve always used the phone

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Yes I have everything

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To fully reset everything to factory settings download the folder from the releases page, and then unzip the folder.

Plug in Maslow so it has power and then connect a USB cord from Maslow to your computer.

Double click on the full_install.bat in the folder you downloaded and it will re-install everything on the machine back to exactly how it starts out. Hopefully that will get things back to how they were before.

Thanks Bar, now I can connect and update it. However I tried to launch the calibration 2 times, but it stops as soon as I tension the straps.

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Excellent progress!

You should see an error message explaining why it stopped, but that issue is usually that it needs the initial guess for how big the frame is to be a little closer.

Mi è capitato di stoppare la lavorazione del pezzo, ma se mentre è in pausa cerco di dare dei comandi manuali, che siano l’asse Z x o y la slitta scende solo verso il basso. È normale?

(Tradotto da Google) Non ho provato a fare jogging dopo una pausa, ma non mi sembra una caratteristica desiderabile. Mi aspetterei di poter fare jogging in tutte le direzioni o in nessuna durante una pausa. Qual è l’esperienza di tutti gli altri, puoi fare jogging se metti in pausa il tuo lavoro?

I haven’t tried jogging after pausing, but that doesn’t sound like a desirable feature. I would expect either being able to jog in all directions or none during a pause. What is everyone else’s experience, can you jog if you pause your job?

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can you show us what you mean (pictures/videos)? what size frame are you using.

David Lang

I was doing some calibration tests with the Z axis raised and it was going better, but now the presence of a motor is no longer detected. I think some component has burned out

Enea wrote:

I was doing some calibration tests with the Z axis raised and it was going
better, but now the presence of a motor is no longer detected. I think some
component has burned out

you need to do the calibration with the Z axis all the way down (no bit)

turn it off for a while and double check all connections (the ethernet cables do
vibrate enough to be a problem, hot melt glue is the current recommended way to
make sure they stay in place, but make sure there is no dust in the sockets

David Lang

Try swapping which motor is plugged into that port and see if the issue stays the same or moves with the motor. That will tell us if the issue is with the motor or controller.

Thanks, actually having to keep the Z axis lowered completely was one of my doubts. Would it be possible to know what acronym the integrated circuit that controls the motors under the heat sink has? Thank you

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Like what the part number of the chip is? It should be a DRV8873 made by Texas Instruments

Uploading: IMG_20241011_141349.jpg…

It looks more like 8876 or 8875, could it be that it delivers 3.5A?

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You are spot on, it’s DRV8876 Boards/BOM_Five-Motor-Control-Board.csv at main · MaslowCNC/Boards · GitHub

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Ciao, ho appena montato la nuova scheda con i connettori just ed ho provato ad eseguire la calibrazione per 2 volte, ma si blocca sempre nello stesso punto. Negli ultimi 3-4 punti la cinghia BL resta all’entrata.

Maslow-serial.log (12.5 KB)

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